I. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Developments in education
VIET STAR CENTRE đã tổng hợp một số câu hỏi mẫu chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Developments in education có thể được giám khảo sử dụng trong phòng thi thực chiến để kiểm tra khả năng Nói của thí sinh. Cụ thể đó là:
1. How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?
2. What changes do you foresee in the next 50 years?
3. How do the expectations of today’s school leavers compare with those of the previous generation?
4. What role do you think extracurricular activities play in education?
5. What method of learning works best for you?
6. How do the expectations of today’s school leavers compare with those of the previous generation?
7. How beneficial do you think it is to group students according to their level of ability?
8. Do you think computers will one day replace teachers in the classroom?
9. How has teaching changed in your country in the last few decades?
10. What courses/subjects will be helpful in future work?
II. Sample IELTS Speaking Part 3 Developments in education
Dưới đây là một số câu trả lời mẫu chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Developments in education band 8.0+ được sưu tầm bởi VIET STAR CENTRE. Tham khảo ý tưởng và lưu lại từ vựng ăn điểm vào sổ tay để học luyện thi IELTS Speaking hiệu quả tại nhà bạn nhé!
1. How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?
In the last 10 years, the biggest change that I have observed is the introduction of information technology to education. Computer-based lessons have become increasingly popular in my country, and students now also have electronic libraries to search for information. I think these are great advancements as students now have access to much more information as well as lessons being made more interactive and engaging through the use of computers.
- electronic library: thư viện điện tử
2. What changes do you foresee in the next 50 years?
There could be many changes. Distance learning could become more popular as more and more of the class content gets put online, and electronic books could replace traditional ones. And the most significant change could be the educational approach at all schools, from a teacher-centered to a student-centered one, in which students could monitor their own study progress and learn at their own pace. I think that it would be a really beneficial change for lots of people.
- distance learning: học từ xa = online learning
- monitor (verb): quan sát, theo dõi và điều khiển, điều chỉnh
3. How do the expectations of today’s school leavers compare with those of the previous generation?
I think school leavers expect less today than they did before. 50 years ago, a university degree meant a good job and a high salary, but now many graduates are jobless. The labor market has become increasingly competitive and a bachelor’s degree no longer guarantees a good job. Many people have to continue into postgraduate study or else accept a job with lower wages than the previous generation would have had.
- postgraduate (adjective): sau đại học
4. What role do you think extracurricular activities play in education?
Education doesn’t only mean academic education. Extracurricular activities enable students to learn a lot more living skills and even working skills that they don’t normally learn from academic lessons. For example, students may practice their communication skills, teamwork, and learn to become a leader or a coordinator.
- extracurricular activity: hoạt động ngoại khóa
5. What method of learning works best for you?
I would describe myself as an experimentalist, so I learn by doing and observing, and I keep trying and trying at something until I succeed. This is a really effective method for me and I have difficulty learning based only on reading theory in books. I think doing things in practice really cements the ideas and knowledge in our heads.
- cement (verb): gắn với xi măng = củng cố
6. How beneficial do you think it is to group students according to their level of ability?
I think there are clear benefits of doing so. Students of the same level of ability may cooperate more effectively as the pace of learning is the same for every group member. With this grouping method, no individual task would be too hard or too easy for any single student.
However, this practice also deprives students of the chance to work along with those of a different academic level. I think some low-level students learn the most when they work with excellent students, and this way of grouping isn’t really beneficial to them. In a similar way, higher-level students also find they learn things more fully when they are asked to explain to or assist a lower-level student.
- deprive (verb): tước đi, lấy mất