Bài mẫu đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 22-05-2021

Bài mẫu đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 22-05-2021

Bài mẫu đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 22-05-2021

Cùng xem bài mẫu đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 22-05-2021 của VIETSTAR dưới đây nhé!

Task 1

Đề bài

The first graph shows the number of train passengers from 2000 to 2009; the second compares the percentage of trains running on time and target in the period.


Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 22-05-2021

Xem thêm: Hướng dẫn viết dạng IELTS Writing Task 1 BAR CHART


The upper graph illustrates the changes in  the number of passengers travelling by train in an unspecified geographical location, and the lower graph shows the proportion of trains running on time in a 10-year period from 2000 to 2009 compared to the fixed target of 95%. 

Overall, the number of travellers using trains showed an unsteady upward trend. The rate of trains running on time was also erratic, meeting or exceeding the target from 2002 to 2005, and again from 2008 to 2009. 

In the first four years, the number of train travellers rose from around 37 million to its first peak of about 37 million in 2002, before dropping to just below its starting number in 2003. Also in that period, the rate of on-time trains went from an inadequate 92% to a sufficient 95.5%. During the next three years, train passengers rose sharply and hit the most significant peak of around 47 million in 2005; thereafter the figure started declining by approximately four million. In terms of running time efficiency,the rate was 96% in 2004,but later fell drastically to 92% in 2006. 

In the last three years, the number of passengers stabilized at around 43 million while the proportion of on-time trains improved gradually and eventually plateaued at 97%.


show an upward trend: cho thấy xu hướng tăng

unsteady (adj): không đều đặn

erratic (adj): không đều, khó đoán

to meet the target (expression): đạt chỉ tiêu

to exceed (v): vượt

peak (n): đỉnh

inadequate (adj): không đủ, không đạt yêu cầu

sufficient (adj): đủ

thereafter (adv): sau đó

approximately (adv): khoản

to plateau (v): giữ nguyên mức.

Xem thêm: Bài mẫu Ielts Writing task 1 và 2 ngày 15-05-2021

Task 2

Đề bài

Restoration of old buildings in main cities involves enormous government expenditure. It would be more beneficial to spend this money to build new houses and roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience.


Restoring and maintaining dated buildings in major cities often takes considerable governmental funding. Some people oppose this and favour using tax money to construct more houses and road infrastructure. I generally agree with this idea because a society ought to provide its citizens with the basic need of housing, yet in cases of historic and iconic buildings, exceptions should be granted.

In big cities, tax money should be allocated to provide adequate housing and construct more roads to accommodate the increasing population. More and more people from economically deprived regions have been migrating to metropolitan areas in search of work. This has caused the population density in certain cities to rise remarkably, bringing in its wake negative outcomes such as traffic congestion and crowded living quarters. Using tax money to build more houses, therefore, provides people with affordable shelters that low-income people could purchase. In addition, constructing more roads means smoother traffic which enables the economy to grow effectively.

On the other hand, there are buildings that are worth restoring because of their historical or symbolic significance. These buildings are the source of inspiration for arts and sometimes income for the local people, and they are of great interest to historians, archaeologists and architects for their academic values. Structures within the Imperial City of Hue are the prime example of such buildings. The Imperial City of Hue has been the subject of countless works of arts and literature, and as a tourist attraction, it has also been beneficial to the local business. Academically, it offers a glimpse into how life was in ancient Vietnam.

In conclusion, I agree that constructing more houses and roads is important and should generally be prioritized over maintaining old buildings with the exception of historically significant constructions. I believe this should be the approach for most cities. 


governmental funding (noun phrase): tài trợ từ chính phủ

infrastructure (n): cơ sở hạ tầng

housing (n): nơi ở (nhà và chung cư)

adequate (adj): đầy đủ

economically deprived (adj phrase):  thiếu thốn kinh tế

bringing in its wake: mang theo bên nó

living quarter (noun phrase): phòng ở

affordable (adj): hợp lý, phải chăng (về giá cả)

Xem thêm: 10 lợi ích của việc sở hữu chứng chỉ Ielts

symbolic (adj): có tính biểu tượng

significance (n): sự quan trọng

be of interest (expression): đáng chú ý/quan tâm

the Imperial City of Hue: Kinh thành Huế

glimpse (n): một cái nhìn 

be prioritized over (expression): được ưu tiên hơn.

Hy vọng bài mẫu trên sẽ giúp ích các “sĩ tử” trong quá trình luyện thi IELTS “cam go”. Nếu bạn có thắc mắc hay câu hỏi gì, hãy để lại phía dưới phần bình luận nhé!

