Describe one of your neighbours – bài mẫu IELTS Speaking thuộc chủ đề “Describe a person”. Để xử đẹp dạng bài này bạn cần biết cách lên dàn bài, ý tưởng bài mẫu để take-note trong 1 phút hiệu quả. Ngoài ra, áp dụng những từ vựng ăn điểm sẽ giúp bạn chinh phục được giám khảo Speaking. Cùng VIET STAR CENTRE tham khảo ngay bài viết dưới đây để tự tin tham gia kỳ thi IELTS Speaking sắp tới bạn nhé!

I. Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe one of your neighbours
1. Đề bài:
Describe one of your neighbours/ Describe an interesting neighbor. You should say:

  • Who he/she is
  • How you knew him/her
  • What you do together

And explain why he/she is interesting

2. Dàn bài Part 2
2.1. Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)

  • Đề bài Describe one of your neighbours/ Describe an interesting neighbor yêu cầu miêu tả một người hàng xóm thú vị nhưng trên thực tế chính là dạng đề bài miêu tả người.
  • Ban đầu thí sinh có thể gặp khó khăn trong việc tìm ý tưởng nếu quá tập trung vào chi tiết “người hàng xóm thú vị”, bởi vì có thể không phải thí sinh nào cũng quen biết những người hàng xóm quanh mình và tính từ “thú vị” cũng mang tính chủ quan.
  • Vậy nên, để tìm ra người mà mình có thể miêu tả, thí sinh có thể chọn bất kì một người quen biết nào đó với mình, và miêu tả họ dưới tư cách một người hàng xóm trong đề bài Describe one of your neighbours/ Describe an interesting neighbor.

2.2. Take-note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)

Take-note trong 1 phút đề bài Describe one of your neighbours

Who he/she is

  • granny Hanh
  • living opposite the childhood house

How you knew him/her

  • my parents sent me to her house so that she could look after me

What you do together

  • being looked after by her, observing what she
  • did and learning from her

why he/she is interesting 

  • living a passionate life even though she was a widow
  • doing things with fondness and loving kindness

3. Sample Speaking: Describe one of your neighbours
I’d like to talk about granny Hanh, who used to live opposite my childhood house, where I lived until I reached 12. I called her granny because she was like my grandma. I first got to know her at around the age of 6, when my parents were busy setting up their business, and she looked after me whenever my parents were away.

I loved being around granny and found her intriguing not only because she made me feel at home when I didn’t have my parents around, but also because of the way she lived, which somehow shaped mine as well. She was actually a widow living on her own after her husband passed away and her children had their own families. With that, people might think she must have lived in solitude.

However, she led one of the most passionate lives I’d ever known. It seemed she was always on the go, doing things with fondness and loving kindness. For example, in the morning, she devoted her time to maintaining her garden, which was filled up with dozens of dazzling flowers grown all by herself and could wow any visitor. Her afternoons were usually spent in her small Math class operated for kids in the neighborhood, who were mostly from low-income families.

This class was truly special because I felt that it was not just a place for the kids to come to learn Math, but also where granny Hanh spanned her love and care to them, inspiring them to learn and to thrive despite whatever disadvantages they had at that time. Thus, by being with her, observing what she did and infused in her altruism, I grew up being more open-hearted.

Granny Hanh already passed away a few years ago because of her old age, but she has always been a precious part of my childhood and an influential person in my life.

Một số từ vựng ăn điểm được sử dụng trong bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe one of your neighbours:

o    Intriguing (adj) thú vị
o    make somebody feel at home (phrase): khiến ai cảm thấy thoải mái như ở nhà mình
o    Widow (n): góa phụ
o    Solitude (n): sự cô đơn
o    Passionate (adj): nhiệt huyết
o    on the go (phrase): luôn tay luôn chân
o    Fondness (n): có sự quan tâm
o    loving kindness (n): lòng trắc ẩn
o    Devote (v): cống hiến
o    Maintain (v): giữ vững
o    Dazzling (adj): đẹp
o    Span (verb): lan tỏa
o    Infused (verb): truyền
o    Altruism (noun): lòng vị tha

II. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Neighbour
1. What are the qualities of a good neighbor?
In my own perspective, the first attribute I wish to see in a neighbor is respect. This is because sometimes it is quite easy for people living close to each other to overstep the other’s boundaries, such as digging too deep into their private life that it might violate their privacy. The other factor that makes a pleasant neighbor is friendliness because such people will usually be approachable and willing to help, which is something that can result in a connective community.

  • Attribute (noun): Yếu tố
  • Overstep (verb): vượt ra ngoài
  • Violate (verb): vi phạm
  • Approachable (adj): dễ gần

2. How can people improve the relationship with neighbors in a community?
Oh, there must be a plethora of ways to strengthen the bond between people living in the same residential area. They can range from small acts like offering help with housework, such as watering plants or looking after the pets while the house’s owner is on vacation, to organising more collective events such as parties as a way for people to get to know each other.

  • Plethora (lượng từ): nhiều
  • Strengthen the bond: thặt chặt mối quan hệ
  • Collective events: hàng loạt các sự kiện

3. Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
Of course it is. This goes without saying because one of the reasons is that they are a good source of help during hardship, especially when someone lives far from their relatives or close families. Just imagine, on some occasion of an emergency when we might have to be hospitalized at midnight, our next-door neighbours would definitely be the first point of contact in such a situation. However, I think it’s also worth bearing in mind that it might be challenging sometimes to be on good terms with everyone.

  • goes without saying: không cần phải nói vẫn hiểu
  • a good source of: nguồn
  • bearing in mind: cần chú ý đến (việc gì đó)
  • on good terms: có mối quan hệ tốt với ai

Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 chủ đề Describe one of your neighbours. VIET STAR CENTRE chúc bạn ôn luyện thi hiệu quả và chinh phục được mức điểm đã đề ra nhé!

