Describe your favorite line from a song or poem

Describe your favorite line from a song or poem





Describe your favorite line from a song or poem

I'd like to talk about a simple yet powerful line from a song called The Messenger. This masterpiece was written and performed by Chester Bennington – the singer who probably has the most profound influence on me.

So basically The Messenger is a song about the power of love. And there’s one particular sentence that perfectly embodies its meaning: "When life leaves us blind, love keeps us kind". As for why I’m impressed with this line, well, I think you need to hear a little backstory...

You know, I was always a super confident guy who didn’t have much difficulties getting what he wants. I always thought of myself as someone who is full of positive energy, and thus immune to any kinds of mental illnesses. But I was dead wrong. Last year, I went through the darkest period in my life, mostly because of the stumbling blocks I’ve encountered in my career, and a toxic relationship that has been ruining my self-esteem for more than 6 years. I felt as if everything was against me, and the worst part is that I didn’t even have the guts to free myself. As you can expect, I suffered from depression.

When I was aware of my own conditions, I tried every thing I could to ease the excruciating pain I had to endure. For some reason, The Messenger came to my mind. When I played it and heard the line "When life leaves us blind, love keeps us kind", I burst into tears. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t fully understand what this sentence means when I was younger. It was not until that very moment that I truly felt every shade of its meaning. It’s a simple, yet powerful reminder of how important love is for us, especially for those having serious mental illnesses or suicidal thoughts. After that, I tried to reach out for help. Fortunately, some people noticed the problem I was having. They listened to me, gave me small useful advice, and eventually, I finally managed to pull it together, and escape from that living hell.

For me, The Messenger isn’t just a song. It was one of the last few straws I could cling to during the darkest days in my life. And ever since then, the sentence “When life leaves us blind, love keeps us kind” is no longer just a powerful message to me. It also reflects one of the core values I want to pursue for the rest of my life.

That of spreading love, and healing pains.

*Vocab highlights:

simple yet powerful line: một câu hát đơn giản nhưng vô cùng sâu sắc

masterpiece: kiệt tác nghệ thuật

profound influence: ảnh hưởng sâu sắc

perfectly embody its meaning: thực sự thể hiện được ý nghĩa bài hát

a little backstory: một chút câu chuyện đằng sau điều gì

full of positive energy: đầy năng lượng tích cực

stumbling blocks in my career: những chướng ngại trong sự nghiệp

depression: trầm cảm

ease the excruciating pain: xoa dịu cơn đau

burst into tears: oà khóc

feel every shade of its meaning: cảm nhận được đủ mọi tầng ý nghĩa của nó

pull it together: vực dậy tinh thần

one of the last few straws I could cling to: một trong những điều nhỏ bé tôi có thể dựa vào

powerful message: thông điệp ý nghĩa, sâu sắc

reflect the core values I want to pursue: thể hiện những giá trị cốt lõi tôi muốn theo đuổi


