Bài mẫu đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 29-05-2021

Bài mẫu đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 29-05-2021

Bài mẫu đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 29-05-2021

Ngày 29-05-2021 vừa qua kì thi chứng chỉ IELTS vẫn được diễn ra theo thường lệ. Cùng xem bài mẫu mà đội ngũ giáo viên gợi ý dưới đây nhé.

Task 1

Đề bài

The graphs below show the percentage of men and women aged 60-64 who were employed in four countries in 1970 and 2000. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.


xem thêm: Lệ phí thi và lịch thi Ielts của IDP và BC 

Đề IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 29-05-2021

Xem thêm: BÀi mẫu đề thi Ielts writing task 1& 2 ngày 15/05/2021


The bar charts illustrate the proportion of men and women of four countries between the age of 60 and 64 who participated in the workforce in 1970 and 2000.

Overall, there were fewer working  people aged 60 to 64 in 2000 compared to 1970. It is also clear that the rates of men were always higher than those of women across the four given countries.

In 1970, it is evident that the percentages of working males and females aged between 60 and 64 in the USA was the highest, at 86% and 76% respectively. This was closely followed by Indonesia (84% for men and 65% for women), and Belgium (79% for men and 63% for women). Japanese working people who fell into the 60-to-64 bracket ranked last, at 76% men and 56% women.

In 2000, Belgium experienced drastic drops in the figures for both genders and became the countries with the lowest proportion for men (52%) and women (8%), with the widest discrepancy of 44%. Men in the USA, Japan and Indonesia all reduced to 78%, 63% and 74%, respectively; for women, the percentages varied between 45% and 50%. 

Xem thêm: nguồn Website  sửa Writing miễn phí 


to participate in the workforce: tham gia vào lực lượng lao động

compared to: so với 

be followed by: được theo sau bởi

closely (adv): một cách sát sao

fell into (expression): rơi vào

bracket (n): một nhóm/khoảng được định nghĩa dựa vào giá trị lớn và bé. 

Vd: Most of my neighbors’ monthly income falls into the $500-$1000 bracket.  

Đa số lương tháng của hàng xóm của tôi rôi vào khoảng $500 đến $1000.

figure (n): con số (khi nói về thống kê)

discrepancy (n): sự chênh lệch

respectively (adv): một cách lần lượt


Task 2

Đề bài

The use of mobile phones should be banned in public places like libraries and shops. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Mobile phones have been an inextricable part of the modern world, and they have brought in its wake not only benefits but also drawbacks. Opinions differ as to whether or not those gadgets should be allowed in public places. From my perspective, the use of cellphones should be banned in areas where they may cause unwanted disruptions such as libraries or hospitals, but in others they should be welcomed provided that they are used in a cautious, respectful manner.

In certain places such as libraries or hospitals, I agree that cellphones should be banned as they can be very disruptive or potentially harmful.  In a library where great concentration is required, a mere sound from phone notifications can be greatly irritating. This is why many libraries in the world have rules and regulations against people talking or video-calling on the phone. Moreover in hospitals, phones are greatly restricted as they can hamper the recovery of people hospitalised. No patients want incessant noises of people talking loudly and laughing on their phones, and what is more, the use of phones can be hazardous especially in intensive care units as they are believed to cause electromagnetic interference with important medical equipment.

Apart from the aforementioned areas, when used judiciously, phones are greatly beneficial. Many daily tasks are carried out by phones, and there are certain jobs, such as businesspeople, that require making frequent phone calls. Furthermore, smartphones can provide solace during tedious long periods of daily commute, and in case of emergency such as car accidents, emergency calls are greatly needed. Therefore, I believe that banning them in those areas is simply not helpful and unrealistic. In order to avoid intrusion from loud phone rings, phone users can always activate the vibrate or silent mode and refrain from speaking with high volumes.

In conclusion, my firm conviction is that the ban on mobile phones in hospitals and libraries can be justified. However, other than those places the use of phones, with manners, should be embraced.


inextricable (adj): không thể tách rời.

to bring in its wake: mang theo với nó

gadget (n): dụng cụ (thường là máy móc)

disruption (n): sự quấy nhiễu

provided that (expression): miễn là. Đồng nghĩa: As long as, given that

respectful (adj): mang tính tôn trọng

disruptive (adj): có tính quấy nhiễu

irritating (adj): gây khó chịu

rules and regulations: quy tắc và điều lệ

to hamper (v): cản trở, làm chậm

incessant (adj): liên tục

hazardous (adj): gây nguy hiểm:

intensive care unit/ICU: đơn vị điều trị tích cực

medical equipment: thiết bị y tế. Lưu ý: equipment luôn luôn là danh từ không đếm được.

judiciously (adv): một cách có cân nhắc

solace (n): sự giải khuây

tedious (adj): chán, buồn tẻ.

emergency (n): tình trạng khẩn cấp

unrealistic (adj): phi thực tế:

to refrain (v) + from : kiềm chết không làm việc gì đó

Phía trên là bài mẫu gợi cho các “sĩ tử”, cùng đó liệt kê ra một vài điểm từ vựng cần đáng lưu ý. Hy vọng những chia sẻ trên sẽ giúp ích cho bạn trong quá trình luyện thi IELTS.

Xem thêm: Phân tích 4 tiêu chí chấm điểm Ielts Writing task 2 

