Bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 1 và 2 ngày 13-03-2021

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 1 và 2 ngày 13-03-2021

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing task 1 và 2 ngày 13-03-2021


Đề bài và bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 13-03-2021. Mời các bạn học viên cũng như mọi người tham khảo bài viết sau đây nhé.

Task 1

1. Đề bài

The chart below gives information about the amount of time children spend with their parents.

Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 15/03/2021Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 ngày 15/03/2021

2. Sample

The stacked bar charts delineate how much time children of various age groups spend with their parents. The initial impression from the charts is that whilst children spend more time with both parents at weekends, mothers allocate more time for child-rearing during weekdays. It can also be seen across the two charts that fathers (excluding the ‘with both’ classification) generally spent the least time with their children.

During weekdays, babies aged from 0 to 1 years spent the least amount of time (2 hours) with the fathers, the most time with the mothers (roughly 5.8 hours), and around 1.2 hours with both. Similar pictures are evident in the remaining age groups; around 1.5-2 hours are spent with the fathers, approximately 6 hours with the mothers, and 1-2 hours with both.

A relatively different pattern could be observed regarding the child-rearing time at weekends. Across the age brackets, the fathers still set aside the least time with their kids (only a negligible 0.25-0.5 hours), mom’s time allocation is around 3-4 hours, and both parents together put from 5 to 6 hours into caring for child kids.


3. Vocabulary highlights

Stacked bar chart: biểu đồ cột chồng

Delineate: mô tả chi tiết

Allocate: dành thời gian

Roughly: khoảng

Similar pictures are evident in: điều tương tự có thể thấy ở…

A relatively different pattern could be observed: một xu hướng hơi khác có thể quan sát được

Child-rearing: sự chăm sóc trẻ em

Age bracket: nhóm tuổi

Set aside: dành ra

Negligible: không đáng kể

Allocation: sự dành ra

Put into: dành bao nhiêu (thời gian, công sức) vào việc gì đó



Task 2

1. Đề bài

Some people store personal and private information online, including banking, contacts and addresses. Is it a positive or negative trend?

2. Sample

Today, many of the internet services require their clients to disclose their personal information such as locations, phone numbers and bank account numbers. Potentially, the practice in question poses mostly drawbacks.

A lack of cyber protection has begotten a new class of international cybercriminals who rampantly prey on the stored information of the customers. A progressively increasing number of incidents of identity thefts has been reported in the recent years. Some examples of these criminal activities are stealing money from oversea bank accounts, posing as someone else to make illegal transactions and scamming. The men and women behind these cases often work from remote places, hacking into systems of foreign companies to extract their customers’ data, which makes the effort to apprehend, extradite and prosecute these perpetrators a daunting and seemingly impossible task. Therefore, it is usually the clients who face the consequences. 

Perhaps more worryingly, there have been reports of companies that sold the data of their clients to third parties. Customers’ information, including contacts and spending habits, has become valuable commodities inside the telemarketing and online-marketing circles. In this era, the ability to get hold of precise information of the potential client’s contacts and what they are looking into buying can make or break a business. The practice of purchasing people’s data is widely used in the real-estate, insurance and tourism sales industry; and their providers often obtain the permission to commercialize the consumer data through deceitful tactics, for instance, obscure pre-ticked box in registration forms.  Over the past few years, fierce debates have taken place over the ownership of consumer data and the ethics of data mining. However, the current answer to this conundrum seems to be only a little more than a band-aid solution.

In conclusion, giving away information to online services is largely negative, for societies have yet to establish effective protection for people’s data when put online. Currently, putting one’s sensitive information on the internet may expose them to unfathomable risks.


3. Vocabulary highlights

disclose (v): cho phép được biết

cyber (adj): ảo, trên mạng

prey on (expression): nhắm vào ai đó/cái gì đó (để lừa đảo, trộm cắp)

progressively (adv): dần. Đồng nghĩa: gradually 

transaction (n): cuộc giao dịch

apprehend (v): bắt giữ. Đồng nghĩa: arrest, detain

extradite (v): dẫn độ

prosecute (v): truy tố 

perpetrator (n): thủ phạm

to face the consequences (expression): hứng chịu hậu quả

commodity (n): mặt hàng

make or break (expression): làm cái gì đó trở nên thành công hay thất bại thảm hại. Ý nói cái gì đó là yếu tố then chốt. Dùng như động từ (verb)

commercialize (v): thương mại hóa

deceitful (adj): lừa dối, gây nhầm lẫn. Deceitful tactic: thủ thuật gây nhầm lẫn

ethics (n): đạo đức (khi làm việc gì đó)

a band-aid solution (n): cách giải quyết tạm bợ

unfathomable (adj): không lường trước được

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