Câu chẻ trong Tiếng Anh- CLEFT SENTENCE

Câu chẻ trong Tiếng Anh- CLEFT SENTENCE

Câu chẻ trong Tiếng Anh- CLEFT SENTENCE

Phần I. Lý thuyết

1. Nhấn mạnh chủ từ (Subject focus)

a. Với chủ ngữ chỉ người

It + is/was + Noun/pronoun (danh từ/đại từ - chỉ người) + that/who + V + O …

Ex: Câu gốc: My sister gave me this gift. (Chị tôi đã tặng cho tôi món quà này.)

Câu chẻ: It was my sister who/that gave me this present. (Chính chị tôi là người đã tặng cho tôi món quà này.)

→ Nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ chỉ người “my sister”.

b. Với chủ ngữ chỉ vật

It + is / was + Noun (danh từ - chỉ vật) + that + V + O …

Ex: Câu gốc: His bad behavior made the teacher angry. (Cách cư xử tệ của anh ta đã khiến giáo viên tức giận.)

Câu chẻ: It was his bad behavior that made the teacher angry. (Chính cách cư xử tệ của anh ta khiến giáo viên tức giận.)

→ Nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ chỉ vật “His bad behavior”

2. Nhấn mạnh tân ngữ (Object focus)

a. Với tân ngữ chỉ người

It + is/ was + Object (chỉ người) + that/ whom + S + V…

Trong trường hợp danh từ chỉ người là danh từ riêng (tên riêng) thì chỉ được dùng “THAT” trong cấu trúc trên.

Ex: Câu gốc: I met Tuan by chance when I traveled in Hue. (Tôi đã tình cờ gặp Tuấn khi tôi đi dịch ở Huế)

Câu chẻ: It was Tuan that I met by chance when I traveled in Hue. (Tuấn chính là người mà tôi đã tình cờ gặp khi đi du lịch ở Huế.)

→ Nhấn mạnh tân ngữ chỉ người “Tuan”

*Note: Vì “Tuan” là danh từ riêng (tên người) nên ở đây, ta chỉ được dùng “that” để nhấn mạnh tân ngữ, không dùng “whom”.

b. Với tân ngữ chỉ vật

It + is/ was + Object (chỉ vật) + that + S + V…

Ex: Câu gốc: I borrowed this motorbike from my best friend. (Tôi đã mượn chiếc xe máy này từ người bạn thân.)

Câu chẻ: It was this motorbike that I borrowed from my best friend. (Chiếc xe máy này chính là vật mà tôi mượn từ người bạn thân.)

→ Nhấn mạnh tân ngữ chỉ vật “this motorbike”

3. Nhấn mạnh trạng từ (Adverbial focus): trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn (place), thời gian (time)

It + is/ was + Adverbial phrase (trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn/thời gian) + that + S + V…

Ex: Câu gốc: I got married to her on this day 2 years ago. (Tôi đã kết hôn với cô ấy vào ngày này 2 năm trước.)

Câu chẻ: It was on this day 2 years ago that I got married to her. (Ngày này 2 năm trước là lúc mà tôi kết hôn với cô ấy.)

→ Nhấn mạnh trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian: “on this day 2 years ago”

4. Câu chẻ bị động (Cleft sentences in the passive)

a. Với danh từ/ đại từ chỉ người

It + is/ was + Noun/ pronoun (chỉ người) + that/ who + be + V3/-ed…

Ex: Câu gốc: The director criticized him in the meeting beacause his report had so many mistakes. (Giám đốc đã phê bình anh ta trong cuộc họp bởi vì báo cáo của anh ta có quá nhiều lỗi sai.)

Câu chẻ: It was he who was criticized by the director in the meeting because his report had so many mistakes. (Chính anh ta là người bị giám đốc phê bình trong cuộc họp bởi vì báo cáo của anh ta có quá nhiều lỗi sai.)

b. Với danh từ chỉ vật

It + is/ was + Noun (chỉ vật) + that + be + V3/-ed…

Ex: Câu gốc: My parents are talking about my sister’s wedding.

Câu chẻ: It is my sister’s wedding that is being talked about (by my parents). (Lễ cưới của chị gái tôi là chuyện mà đang được(bố mẹ tôi) nói tới.)

Phần II. Bài tập

Task 1. Rewrite these sentenses with the same meaning and using the cleft sentences with underlined word

1. My father usually complains about my students whenever they go to my house.


2. I used to like climbing up tress and pick fruits.


3. My neighbors always make noise at night.


4. We often complain about the noise at night.


5. You gave her a bunch of rose last week.


đáp án

1. It is my father that/who usually complains about my students whenever they go to my house.

2. It was I that/who used to like climbing up tress and pick fruits.

3. It is my neighbors who/that always make noise at night.

4. It is we who/that often complain about the noise at night.

5. It was you/that who gave her a bunch of rose last week.

Task 2. Choose the correct answer for each following sentence. (Chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu sau.)

1. ______________ I bought the golden fish.

A. It was from this shop that

B. I was from this shop where

C. It was this shop which

D. It was this shop that

2. It was Tom _______ to help us.

A. comes

B. that comes

C. to come

D. who came

3. ____________ the police had rescued from the fire.

A. The baby

B. The baby that

C. It was the baby whom

D. It is the baby whom

4. _______________ my parents gave me the fish tank.

A. It was on my birthday when

B. It was my birthday on that

C. It was my birthday that

D. It was on my birthday that

5. __________ I first met my girlfriend.

A. It was in London that

B. It was in London where

C. It was London that

D. It was London which

6. ____________ on the phone.

A. It is his mother whom is

B. It was his mother whom is

C. It was his mother who is

D. It is his mother who is

7. ____________ a high level of blood cholesterol.

A. It is eggs that contain

B. Those are eggs it contains

C. It is eggs that contains

D. It is eggs contain

8. _______________ England won the World Cup.

A. It was in 1966 that

B. It was on 1966 that

C. It was in 1966 when

D. It was 1966 in that

9. __________________ we all look for.

A. That happiness

B. It is happiness that

C. Happiness it is that

D. Happiness it is

10. ________________ me how to play the drum.

A. It was my uncle who taught

B. My uncle who taught

C. It was my uncle taught

D. It is my uncle teaching

đáp án











Task 3. Viết lại những câu sau dưới dạng câu chẻ bị động

1. The pedestrian asked the policeman a lot of questions.


2. The dog barked at the stranger.


3. My mom is making some cakes for our dinner.


4. We all saw her husband outside the theater last night.


5. Mr. Hao repaired the roof yesterday morning.


đáp án

1. It was the policeman who were asked a lot of questions by the pedestrian.

2. It was the stranger who was barked at by the dog.

3. It was some cakes that were made for dinner by my mom.

4. It was her husband who was seen outside the theater (by us) last night.

5. It was the roof that was repaired by Mr. Hao yesterday morning.

Task 4. Viết lại câu mang ý nhấn mạnh bên dưới

1. I was most unhappy with the service.

⇒ What........ (to be unhappy with)

2. I can’t stand the noise.

⇒ It’s ........ (the noise)

3. David didn’t pay for the wedding ring, Anna did.

⇒ It ........ (David)

⇒ It ........(Anna)

4. He’s always late. It really annoys me.

⇒ What........ (to annoy)

5. Did you choose the furniture?

đáp án

1. What I was most unhappy with was the service.

2. It’s the noise that I can’t stand.

3. It was David who didn’t pay for the wedding ring.

   It was Sara who did pay for te wedding ring.

4. What really annoys me is that he’salways late.

5. Was it you who chose the furniture.










