Speaking Part 2, topic: someone whose creative or artistic work

Speaking Part 2, topic: someone whose creative or artistic work

Speaking Part 2, topic: someone whose creative or artistic work 


You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.

You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Describe someone whose creative or artistic work you like.

You should say:

  • what you know about the life of the person

  • what kind of creative work this person does / did

  • why you like this person’s work

and describe the way this person’s work makes you feel

Model answer:

Complete the IELTS Speaking Part 2 response with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Listen to the model answer and check your answers.

OK, the person I’m going to talk about is David Mitchell. I start by saying that I’m afraid I don't know much about the background of David, except that he is from the UK, that he once worked as an English teacher in Japan and that he has a son who suffers from autism. But I suppose the important question is, what is it that he does that is creative? Well, he is a novelist. In fact, he is an acclaimed prize-winning author, and I think he published about seven novels – well, seven that I know of, anyway – and many short stories, too.

Two of his novels are among my favourite novels of all time. One is called Cloud Atlas, a set of stories from different times and places together that are interconnected in interesting ways. It almost feels like several different types of literature in the same novel. However, my favourite novel of his is called Bone Clocks, which is a kind of science fiction story that follows the life of one character from childhood to old age. I really couldn’t put it down. In fact, it was so good that as soon as I finished reading it, I started it again.

Anyway, so turning to why I admire David. I guess first and foremost it is for his writing ability. All the books of his that I have read were real page-turners, combining original and, at times, highly intricate plots with very convincing and compelling characters who the reader could emotionally invest in. That, I would say, is his talent – to take you on a roller-coaster ride through another world and keep you entertained throughout and rooting for the characters. I would even go so far as to say (say) that he is one of the greatest living novelists in the world today. OK, so that’s it really.





