Exercise 1:

1. Most doctors and nurses have to work on a _______ once or twice a week at the hospital.

   A. solution                    B. night shift                       C. household chores            D. special dishes

2. We enjoy _______ time together in the evening when the family members gather in the living room after a day

  of working hard.

   A. spending                   B. caring                              C. taking                             D. doing

4. He is a _______ boy. He is often kind and helpful to every classmate.

   A. frank                         B. lovely                             C. obedient                          D. caring

4.   According to the boss, John is the most _______ for the position of executive secretary.

   A. supportive                B. caring                             C. suitable                           D. comfortable

5   Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking.

   A. help                          B. prepared                         C. be busy                           D. attempt

6.  Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.

   A .happen                      B. encounter                        C. arrive                              D. clean

7.   You should not burn _______. You had better dig a hole and bury it.

   A. dishes                       B. lab                                   C. garbage                           D. shift

8.   One of Vietnamese traditions is a belief in _______ families and in preserving their cultures.

   A. wealthy                     B. secure                             C. safe                                 D. close-knit

9. The ..................that our family memmers share closely is watching film

   A. concern                     B. interest                            C. pleasure                          D. entertainment

10.A. We share the house with my mother and father and my wife ‘s sister and her kids, it is a..........family

   A. nuclear                      B. extended                        C. crowed                           D. single-parent

11. My mother........................the responsiblity for running the household

   A. holds                        B. takes                               C. runs                                 D. bears

12. My husband and I both go out to work so we share the………………

   A. happiness                  B. household chores            C. responsibility                  D. emploment

13.Family is a base form which we can go in to the world with confidence

  A. part                           B. place                               C. position                           D. foundation

14. Lee, who is Chinese, learns English as a ……………… language.

  A. native                       B. second                            C. foreign                            D. first

15. This villa is the ……………. of my parents

  A. belong                      B. possession                       C. having                             D. wealth

16. I really cannot accept your ……………. demands.

  A. easy                          B. usual                               C. hard                                D. unreasonable

17. Don’t share the matter with anyone else. Please keep it in ……………….

  A. private                      B. possession                      C. property                          D. tongue

18. Millions of people all over the world ………………. English as their native language.

  A have                           B. talk                                 C. choose                            D. produce

19. I have learned a lot about the value of labor from my .................... at home.

  A. pot plants                  B. chores                             C. energy                             D. credit

20. If you practice regularly, you can learn this language skill in a short ................ of time.

  A. activity                     B. arrangement                    C. period                             D. aspect

21. London is home to people of many _______ cultures.

   A. diverse                      B. diversity                         C. diversify                         D. diversification

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22. A curriculum that ignores ethnic tensions, racial antagonisms, cultural _______ and religious differences is pot relevant.

   A. diversity                   B. contacts                          C. barriers                           D. levels

23. Some researchers have just _______ a survey of young people's points of view on contractual marriage.

   A. sent                           B. directed                          C. managed                         D. conducted

24. It will take more or less a month to prepare for the wedding.

   A. approximately          B. generally                         C. frankly                            D. simply

25. Many young people have objected to _______ marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and groom.

   A. agreed                       B. shared                             C. contractual                      D. sacrificed

26. All parents are _______ to at least try to behave in ways that will give their own children an important


   A. decided                    B. supposed                         C. followed                         D. rejected

27. It is thought that traditional marriage _______ are important basis of limiting divorce rates.

   A. appearances              B. records                            C. responses                        D. values

28. Mr. Pike held his wife's hands and talked urgently to her in a low voice, but there didn't seem to be any


   A. feeling                      B. emotion                          C. reply                               D. effect

29. Family is the place where _______ children is not only tolerated but welcomed and encouraged.

   A. taking                       B. having                             C. giving                             D. showing

30. Socially, the married _______ is thought to be the basic unit of society.

   A. couple                       B. pair                                 C. twins                               D. double

31. Professor Berg was very interested in the diversity of cultures all over the world.

   A. variety                      B. changes                           C. conservation                   D.number

32. You are not _______ to say anything unless you wish to do so.

   A. obliged                     B. willing                            C. equal                               D. attracted

33. A woman can never have a happy married life without _______ her husband.

   A. demanding               B. agreeing                          C. trusting                           D.determining

34. Many Vietnamese people ______ their lives for the revolutionary cause of the nation

   A. sacrifice                    B. sacrificed                        C. sacrificial                        D. sacrificially

35. Most of us would maintain that physical ______ does not playa major part in how we react to the people we meet.

   A. attract                       B. attractive                         C. attractiveness                  D. attractively

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36. They had a ______ candlelit dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marriage.

   A. romance                    B. romantic                         C. romantically                   D. romanticize

37. Reading the story of the ______ having her dress torn off in the lift reminded me of my friend's wedding.

   A. groom                       B. bride                               C. celibate                           D. groomsman

38. I do not think there is a real ______ between men and women at home as well as in society.

   A. attitude                     B. value                               C. measurement                  D. equality


39. The ______ to success is to be ready from the start.

   A. key                           B. response                         C. agreement                       D. demand

40. They decided to divorce and Mary is ______ to get the right to raise the child.

   A. equal                         B. determined                     C. obliged                           D. active

41. She is a kind of woman who does not care much of work but generally _______ only with colleagues for

  meals, movies or late nights at a club.

   A. supposes                   B. socializes                        C. attention                         D. discussed

42. I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.

   A. correct                      B. right                                C. exact                               D. suitable

43. You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains.

   A. make                         B. get                                   C. set                                   D. pay

44. Body language is a potent form of _______ communication.

   A. verbal                       B. non-verbal                      C. tongue                            D. oral

45. Our teacher often said, "Who knows the answer? _______ your hand."

   A. Raised                      B. Lift                                 C. Raise                               D. Heighten

46. This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate.

   A. situation.                  B. attention                         C. place                               D. matter

47. The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school gate, to _______ her attention.

   A. attract                       B. pull                                 C. follow                             D. tempt

48. If something _______ your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested in it.

   A. pays                          B. allow                               C. catches                            D. wave

49. When you are in a restaurant, you can raise your hand slightly to show that you need assistance.

   A. bill                            B. menu                               C. help                                 D. food

50. After a _______ hesitation, she began to speak with such a convincing voice.

   A. rude                          B. slight                               C. small                               D. impolite

51. He is one of the most _______ bosses I have ever worked with. He behaves rudely to not only me but also others in the staff.

   A. thoughtful                B. impolite                          C. attentive                          D. communicative

52. In many cultures, people signify their agreement by _______ their head.

  A. turning                      B. raising                             C. pointing                          D. nodding

53. When you see your teacher approaching you, a slight wave to attract his attention is appropriate.

   A. coming nearer to      B. catching sight of              C. pointing at                     D. looking up to

54. When you catch someone's _______ you do something to attract his attention so that you can talk to him.

   A. head                          B. hand                                C. eye                                  D. ear

55. When the play finished the audience stood up and _______ their hands loudly.

   A. clapped                     B. nodded                           C. shook                              D. hold

56. It is _______ not to say "Thank you" when you are given something.

   A. small                         B. rude                                C. slight                               D. formal

57. A whistle is the _______ for the football players to begin the match.

   A. communication        B. instance                          C. attention                         D. signal

58. It is often considered to be impolite to _______ at someone.

   A. look                          B. smile                               C. point                               D. raise

59. He is not really friendly and makes no attempt to be _______.

   A. society                      B. social                              C. socialize                         D. sociable

60. She sent me a _______ letter thanking me for my invitation.

   A. polite                        B. politely                           C. politeness                       D. impoliteness

Exercise 2:

1. With black hair and eyes, she is___________ of the people from her country.

   A. the same                 B. typical                           C. similar                           D. identical

2. Military is _________ in this country. Every man who reaches the age of 18 has to serve in the army

   for two years.

   A. compulsory            B. optional                   C. illegal                       D. unnecessary

3. People tend to work hard at this_________ of life.

   A. distance                   B. stage                              C. space                             D. level

4. Concern for the environment is now at the_______ of many governments' policies.

   A. core                         B. aim                                C. target                             D. purpose

5. Although he has not got necessary experience, he used to take a _______ in business administration.

   A. curriculum                B. course                             C. school                             D. class

6.      The college offers both _______ and professional qualifications.

   a. government              b. experience                      c. requirement                    d. academic

7.  In the UK, _______ schools refer to government-funded schools which provide education free of charge to


   a. state                          b. secondary                       c. independent                    d. primary

8. The functional skills such as fundamentals of agriculture, health and hygiene and population education have

also been incorporated in the primary school _______.

   a. curriculum                b. project                            c. plan                                 d. schedule

9. Education has been developed in _______ with modern industry and the mass media.

   a. compulsory              b. parallel                           c. selected                           d. following

10. Fee-paying schools, often called "independent schools", "private schools" or “_______ schools"

   a. college                      b. primary                           c. secondary                       d. public

11. In Scotland, students transfer from primary to secondary education at approximately age 10

   a. compound                b. base                                c. change                            d. move

12.  As an _______, Mr. Pike is very worried about the increasing of juvenile delinquency.

   a. educate                     b. education                        c. educator                          d. educative

13. School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools.

   a. depended                 b. required                          c. divided                           d. paid

14. The United Nations Secretary-General has often spoken of the need for individual _______ and human rights

  in his speeches.

   a. free                           b. freedom                          c. freely                              d. freeing

15. A/An _______ is an official document stating that you have passed an examination, completed a course, or  

  achieved some necessary qualifications.

   a. certificate                 b. requirement                    c. education                        d. test

16. Peter is trying his best to study in hope that he will _______ fame and fortune in the near future.

   a. lose                           b. run                                  c. move                               d. achieve

17. _______ is the study of the events of the past.

   a. Geography               b. History                           c. Arts                                 d. Literature

18. She was the first in her family to enjoy the privilege of a university _____.

   a. schedule                   b. education                        c. science                            d. technology

19. English is an important _______ that is required in several national examinations:

   a. language                   b. test                                  c. evaluation                       d. subject

20. _______ is the study of the Earth's physical features and the people, plants, and animals that live in different

  regions of the world.

   a. Science                     b. Geography                      c. History                               d. Technology

21. He graduated with doctorates of _______ and surgery from Florence, gaining the highest honors that year.

   a. medicine                   b. medical                           c. medicate                         d. medication

22. The making of good habits _______ a determination to keep on training your child.

   a. require                      b. requires                           c. requirement                    d. required

23. He was the only _______ that was offered the job.

   a. apply                        b. application                      c. applicant                         d. applying

24. A university is an -institution of higher education and research, which grants _______ degrees at all levels in a

variety of subjects.

   a. secondary                 b. optional                          c. academic                        d. vocational

25. ____________ is the medical treatment of animals.

   a. Chemistry                 b. Pharmacy                       c. Medicine                        d. Veterinary

26. A _______ is an area of knowledge or study, especially one that you study at school, college, or university.

   a. degree                       b. subject                            c. level                                d. vacancy

27. Most _______ are at senior level, requiring appropriate qualifications.

   a. degrees                     b. grades                             c. colleges                          d. vacancies

28. She reads newspapers every day to look for the vacant _______ for which she can apply.

   a. institutions               b. indications                      c. positions                         d. locations

29. He had been expected to cope well with examinations and _______ good results.

   a. achieve                     b. consider                          c. last                                  d. object

30. He has not been offered the job because he cannot meet the _______ of the company.

   a. requirements            b. applicants                       c. information                     d. education

31. _______ education is normally taken to include undergraduate arid postgraduate education, as well as  

  vocational education and training.

   a. Primary                    b. Tertiary                           c. Secondary                           d. Intermediate

32. The University of Cambridge is a prestigious _______ of higher learning in the UK

   a. tower                        b. hall                                 c. house                              d. institute

33. - Which subject do you _______ at university? - I major in Maths.

   a. do                             b. make                               c. practice                               d. demonstrate

34. A _______ is an official document that you receive when you have completed a course of study or training.

   a. vocation                   b. subject                            c. certificate                       d. grade

35. In many countries, prospective university students apply for _______ during their last year of high school.

   a. achievement             b. information                     c. course                             d. admission

36. Parents can express a _______ for the school their child attends.

   a. prefer                        b. preference                       c. preferential                     d. preferable

37. Many people have objected to the use of animals in _____ experiments.

   a. science                     b. scientist                          c. scientific                             d. scientifically

38. I would like to invite you to participate in the ceremony.

   a. graduate                   b. graduated                       c. graduation                      d. graduating

39. Mr. Pike provided us with an _______ guide to the full-time and part-time programs on offer to a range of

   candidates drawn from schools and colleges.

   a. inform                      b. informative                     c. informed                         d. information

40. Not many places at the universities are left, so choice is on a severe _______.

   a. limiting                     b. limitation                        c. delimitation                    d. limited

41. Many children are under such a high _______ of learning that they do not feel happy at school.

   a. recommendation      b. interview                        c. pressure                          d. concentration

42. She likes meeting people and travelling so she wants to apply for a _______ of a receptionist or tourist guide.

   a. location                    b. position                           c. site                                  d. word

43. To my _______, I was not offered the job.

   a. happiness                 b. dream                             c. joy                                  d. disappointment

44. Being well-dress and punctual can help you create a good _______ on your interviewer.

   a. impression                b. pressure                          c. employment                   d. effectiveness

45. She often reads newspapers and look through the Situations _______ columns every day, but up to now she

  has not found any job yet.

   a. Article                      b. Space                              c. Vacant                                    d. Spot

46. Doctors have to assume _______ for human life.

   a. responsible                   b. responsibly                    c. responsibility d. responsibles

47. _______ is increasing, which results from economic crisis.

   a. Employment             b. Unemployment           c. Employ                             d. Unemployed

48. He was offered the job thanks to his _______ performance during his job interview.

   a. impress                     b. impression                          c. impressive                     d. impressively

49. His work involves helping students to find temporary _______ during their summer vacation.

   a. decision                    b. employment                   c. choice                             d. selection

50. To prepare for your job interview, you should jot down your qualifications and experience as well as some

      important information about yourself.

   a. draw                         b. place                               c. put                                  d. write

51. When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking you.

   a. be related to             b. be interested in               c. pay all attention to          d. express interest to

52. Before _______ for a position, check whether you can fulfill all the requirements from the employer.

   a. deciding                   b. applying                         c. requiring                         d. demanding

53. If you are _______ for a particular job, someone asks you questions about yourself to find out if you suitable

   for it.

   a. paid                          b. chosen                            c. interviewed                     d. recommended

54. You should ask the interviewer some questions about the job to show your _______ and keenness.

   a. anger                        b. thrill                                c. amazement                             d. interest

55. The interviewer gave his consent to John's _______ for work and promised to give him a job.

   a. keen                          b. keenly                             c. keener                             d. keenness

56. _______! I have heard of your success in the new project.

   a. Congratulate             b. Congratulating               c. Congratulation               d. Congratulations

57. It is _______ to fail a job interview, but try again.

   a. disappoint                 b. disappointing                  c. disappointedly                d. disappointment

58. Her job was so _______ that she decided to quit it.

   a. interesting                b. satisfactory                     c. stressful                          d. wonderful

59. Some days of rest may help to _______ the pressure of work.

   a. reduce                       b. lower                              c. chop                                d. crease

60. Can you please tell me some information that _______ to the job?

   a. indicates                   b. expresses                        c. interests                          d. relates



Exercise 1:


1. B

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. D

9. D

10. A

11. B

12. B

13. D

14. B

15. B

16. D

17. A

18. C

19. B 

20. C

21. B

22. B

23. D

24. A

25. C

26. C

27. D

28. C

29. C

30. D

31. A

32. A

33. C

34. B

35. C

36. B

37. A

38. D

39. A


41. D

42. D

43. D

44. B

45. C

46. A

47. A

48. C 

49. C

50. B

51. B

52. D

53. A

54. C

55. A

56. D

57. D

58. C

59. D

60. A


Exercise 2:


1. B 

2. A  

3. B 

4. A 

5. b 

6. d  

7. a 

8. a

9. b

10. d

11. d

12. c

13. b

14. b

15. a

16. d

17. b.

18. b                                  

19. d 

20. b                                  

21. a

22. b

23. c 

24. c

25. d 

26. b


28. c

29. a


31. b 

32. d 


34. c


36. b                                  

37. c                                  


39. b                                  


41. c 

42. b                                  

43. d 

44. a 

45. c

46. c

47. b  

48. c

49. b                                  


51. c                                  

52. b                                  

53. c

54. d.

55. d

56. d 

57. b

58. c                                  

59. a                                  

60. d



