Các thì trong tiếng Anh - thì hiện tại đơn

1. Công thức thì hiện tại đơn

Đối với động từ thường:

Dạng câu

Công thức - ví dụ

Khẳng định

S + V(s/es)+ O

Ví dụ: She watches TV.

Phủ định

S+ do/does + not + V(Infinitive) +O

Ví dụ: I don’t know her.

Nghi vấn

Do/does + S + V (Infinitive)+ O ?

Ví dụ: Do you love me?


Đối với động từ Tobe

Dạng câu

Công thức - ví dụ

Khẳng định

S+ am/are/is + N/ Adj

Ví dụ: I am a girl.

Phủ định

S + am/are/is + NOT + N / Adj

Ví dụ: I am not a student, I am teacher.

Nghi vấn

Am/are/is  + S + N )/ Adj

Ví dụ: Are they happy?


Lưu ý:

- Những từ có tận cùng là “o”, “ch”, “sh”, “x”, “s” thì khi dùng với ngôi số ít, thêm đuôi “es”. ( do – does; watch – watches; fix – fixes, go – goes;  miss – misses, wash - washes )

- Những từ có tận cùng là “y” thì khi dùng với ngôi số ít, bỏ “y” và thêm đuôi “ies” (copy – copies; study – studies). Nhưng trừ một số từ ngoại lệ như buy, play

- Những từ còn lại, thêm đuôi “s”. (see – sees; play – plays,…)

2. Cách dùng

Thì hiện tại đơn được dùng:

- Diễn tả một sự thật, chân lý hiển nhiên: The Earth orbits around the Sun

- Diễn tả một thói quen, sự việc lặp đi lặp lại hàng ngày: He goes to school by bike.

- Thể hiện khả năng của một ai đó: She studies very well.

3. Dấu hiệu nhận biết

Các thì trong tiếng Anh đều có một số dấu hiệu nhận biết riêng.

Trong câu hiện tại đơn có xuất hiện những trạng từ chỉ tần suất như Always , usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, hardly, never.

Hoặc từ every (every day, every week, every month, ...)

4. Bài tập thì hiện tại đơn

Bài 1: Điền trợ động từ ở dạng phủ định.

1. I ………. like tea.

2. He ………. play football in the afternoon.

3. You ………. go to bed at midnight.

4. They……….do the homework on weekends.

5. The bus ……….arrive at 8.30 a.m.

6. My brother ……….finish work at 8 p.m.

7. Our friends ………. live in a big house.

8. The cat ………. like me.

Bài 2: Chọn dạng đúng của từ.

1. Police catch/ catches robbers.

2. My dad is a driver. He always wear/ wears a white coat.

3. They never drink/ drinks beer.

4. Lucy go/ goes window-shopping seven times a month.

5. She have/ has a pen.

6. Mary and Marcus  eat out/ eats out everyday.

7. Mark usually watch/ watches TV before going to bed.

8. Maria is a teacher. She teach/ teaches students.

Bài 3: Điền dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. She (not study) ………. on Saturday.

2. He (have) ………. a new haircut today.

3. I usually (have) ……….breakfast at 6.30.

4. Peter (not/ study)……….very hard. He never gets high scores.

5. My mother often (teach)……….me English on Saturday evenings.

6. I like Math and she (like)……….Literature.

7. My sister (wash)……….the dishes every day.

8. They (not/ have)……….breakfast every morning.

Bài 4: Viết lại câu, điền đúng dạng từ trong ngoặc.

1. My brothers (sleep) on the floor. (often) =>____________

2. He (stay) up late? (sometimes) => ____________

3. I (do) the housework with my brother. (always) => ____________

4. Peter and Mary (come) to class on time. (never) => ____________

5. Why Johnson (get) good marks? (always) => ____________

6. You (go) shopping? (usually) => ____________

7. She (cry). (seldom) => ____________

8. My father (have) popcorn. (never) => ____________

Bài 5: Viết lại thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

Eg: They/ wear suits to work? => Do they wear suits to work?

1. she/ not/ sleep late on weekends =>________

2. we/ not/ believe/ ghost=>________

3. you/ understand the question? =>________

4. they/ not/ work late on Fridays  =>________

5. David/ want some coffee? =>________

6. she/ have three daughters =>________

7. when/ she/ go to her Chinese class? =>________

8. why/ I/ have to clean up? =>________


Bài 6: Hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại sau bằng cách điền đúng dạng từ.

My cousin, Peter, (have)……….. a dog. It (be)……….. an intelligent pet with a short tail and big black eyes. Its name (be)……….. Kiki and it (like)……….. eating pork. However, it (never/ bite) ……….. anyone; sometimes it (bark)……….. when strange guests visit. To be honest, it (be)……. very friendly. It (not/ like)……….. eating fruits, but it (often/ play)……….. with them. When the weather (become)……….. bad, it (just/ sleep)……….. in his cage all day. Peter (play)……….. with Kiki every day after school. There (be)……….. many people on the road, so Peter (not/ let)……….. the dog run into the road. He (often/ take)……….. Kiki to a large field to enjoy the peace there. Kiki (sometimes/ be)……….. naughty, but Peter loves it very much.



Bài 1: 

1. I don’t like tea.

2. He doesn’t play football in the afternoon.

3. You don’t go to bed at midnight.

4. They don’t do the homework on weekends.

5. The bus doesn’t arrive at 8.30 a.m.

6. My brother doesn’t finish work at 8 p.m.

7. Our friends don’t live in a big house.

8. The cat doesn’t like me.

Bài 2: 

1. Police catch/ catches robbers.

2. My dad is a driver. He always wear/ wears a white coat.

3. They never drink/ drinks beer.

4. Lucy go/ goes window-shopping seven times a month.

5. She have/ has a pen.

6. Mary and Marcus eat out/ eats out everyday.

7. Mark usually watch/ watches TV before going to bed.

8. Maria is a teacher. She teach/ teaches students.

Bài 3: 

1. She doesn’t study on Saturday.

2. He has a new haircut today.

3. I usually have breakfast at 6.30.

4. Peter doesn’t study very hard. He never gets high scores.

5. My mother often teaches me English on Saturday evenings.

6. I like Math and she likes Literature.

7. My sister washes the dishes every day.

8. They don’t have breakfast every morning.

Bài 4: 

1. => My brothers often sleep on the floor.

2. => Does he sometimes stay up late?/ Does he stay up late sometimes?

3. => I always do the housework with my brother.

4. => Peter and Mary never come to class on time.

5. => Why does Johnson always get good marks?

6. => Do you usually go shopping?

7. => She seldom cries.

8. => My father never has popcorn.

Bài 5: 

1. She doesn’t sleep late on weekends.  

2. We don’t believe in ghost.  

3. Do you understand the question?

4. They don’t work late on Fridays.

5. Does David want some coffee?

6. She has three daughters.

7. When does she go to her Chinese class?

8. Why do I have to clean up?


Bài 6: 

My cousin, Peter, (have) has a dog. It (be) is an intelligent pet with a short tail and big black eyes. Its name (be) is Kiki and it (like) likes eating pork. However, it (never/ bite) never bites anyone; sometimes it (bark) barks when strange guests visit. To be honest, it (be) is very friendly. It (not/ like) does not like/ doesn’t like eating fruits, but it (often/ play) often plays with them. When the weather (become) becomes bad, it (just/ sleep) just sleeps in his cage all day. Peter (play) plays with Kiki every day after school. There (be) are many people on the road, so Peter (not/ let) does not let/ doesn’t let the dog run into the road. He (often/ take) often takes Kiki to a large field to enjoy the peace there. Kiki (sometimes/ be) is sometimes naughty, but Peter loves it very much.






