You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

You should write at least 150 words.

ielts graph



  • Làm mở bài và overview trước khi bắt đầu làm than bài


1. Paraphrase lại topic

The bar chart below shows the results of a survey conducted by a personnel department at a major company. The survey was carried out on two groups of workers: those aged from 18-30 and those aged 45-60, and shows factors affecting their work performance.

bar chart : bar graph

below: given

shows: illustrates



At first glance, what can be easily seen is that the younger employees’ work performances were affected more easily than the seniors. (22 words)


1. Brain storm


Độ dài lý tưởng là từ 5-7 câu

Có thể tiếp cận theo 2 cách:

  1. Theo độ tuổi: Ta sẽ phân thành 2 khu với 2 biểu đồ riêng biệt; và tách biệt phân tích từng phần (Biểu đồ lược giản chỉ còn 1 nhóm tuổi)


Ưu: Dễ phân tích


Khuyết: Sẽ rất dài khi phải phân tích tiếp nhóm tuổi thứ 2

  1. Theo category của vấn đề: Ta sẽ khoanh vùng và tập trung so sánh từng loại một

Recommended ideas: (Giải quyết theo category)

Từ dẫn


To take a look at _________, It is obviously observed that________

  • Team spirit, Work environment
  • Both age groups exact equivalent

When it comes to _________,

  • Competent boss, Respect from colleagues
  • Senior higher

In term of ___________,

  • Job satisfaction, Money
  • Younger higher

Last but not least, _____________

  • Chance.., Relaxed..., Promotion...,
  • Younger extremely higher

To take a look at how Team spirit and Work environment affected employees, It is obviously observed that the percentage of both age groups were exact equivalent (65% and 30% respectively). When it comes to Competent boss (over 50%) and Respect from colleagues (45%) that influenced in seniors, There is no denying that it was a bit higher than the younger. It stark contrasts to Job satisfaction (55%)  and Money (73%)  in seniors which was slightly less than the younger. Last but not least, Chance... (90%), Relaxed...(80%), Promotion...(80%), showed a great disparity which the younger was significantly higher (98 words) ⇒ 160 words
