Đề luyện tập IELTS Writing số 4: A method of shaping glass containers & Space exploration

Đề luyện tập IELTS Writing số 4: A method of shaping glass containers & Space exploration

Đề luyện tập IELTS Writing số 4: A method of shaping glass containers & Space exploration

IELTS Vietop gửi đến các sĩ tử đề luyện tập IELTS Writing số 4: A method of shaping glass containers & Space exploration. Cùng xem và ôn luyện ngay nhé!

Task 1

Đề bài

The diagram shows a method of shaping glass containers.


The diagram provides a breakdown of how glass containers are shaped. Overall, the process is comprised of 9 steps during which glass is melted, shaped using two different kinds of mould, heated, cooled, inspected and packaged.

The process commences when glass is melted in a furnace to 105 degrees Celsius. Thereafter the molten glass is placed into a trapezoidal mould in which it is pressed by the use of a pointed-tip tool. The thick-walled container formed as a result of the previous step is then attached to a second, curvy-at-the-bottom mould, and with natural airflow, the container’s bottom is naturally expanded.

The process continues with the containers being heated in a kiln at 482 degrees Celsius, after which they are cooled down for an hour at 25 degrees Celsius. Ultimately the containers undergo visual inspection during which high-quality ones are packaged, and low-quality ones are discarded.  


  1. Breakdown: chi tiết, từng phần nhỏ

  2. Commence: bắt đầu

  3. Melt: nấu chảy

  4. Molten glass: thủy tinh nấu chảy

  5. Trapezoidal: hình thang

  6. Pointed-tip: có mũi nhọn

  7. Inspection: sự kiểm tra

  8. Discard: loại bỏ


Task 2

Đề bài

Some people think more money should be spent on researching for other planets to live, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Some people are of the opinion that more investment should be diverted to seeking habitable planets. However, I do not believe this to be a wise approach, for ventures into space is unpromising, and improving lives on Earth is more cost-effective.

The prospects of discovering planets with environments hospitable to lifeare grim. Indeed, lot of research has been conducted on seeking extra-terrestrial life forms by SETI and NASA, and what scientists have discovered until now is no more than ambiguous traces of water and bacteria on Mars. It might take another thousands or even millions of years for humankind to find new planets. in a worst-case scenario, we may not be able to find anything at all.

Additionally, I think money should be better spent on improving the Earth. On the one hand, space research is costly, as facilities and equipment required to carry out research in space may billions of dollars, not to mention the expenditure on regular maintenance. On the other hand, measures to improve Earth’s current conditions cost much less and bring a lot more tangible benefits. Conglomerates with green credentials have environmental schemes, some of which have been successful to a certain degree such as Apple Inc.’s efforts to cut down on carbon footprint. Even individuals can contribute to the environment through small, inexpensive acts such as growing trees or recycling materials.

In conclusion, my firm conviction is that that putting our future hope into space research is somewhat unrealistic, and governmental budget is better spent on healing the Earth.


  1. Divert: chuyển sang

  2. Habitable planet: hành tinh có thể sống được

  3. Cost-effective: hiệu quả tốt về mặt tài chính

  4. Hospitable: có điều kiện sinh trưởng thuận lợi (phân biệt với nghĩa thông thường là hiếu khách)

  5. Extra-terrestrial life forms: sự sống ngoài trái đất

  6. A worst-case scenario: tình huống xấu nhất

  7. Ambiguous: mập mờ

  8. Maintenance: bảo trì

  9. Tangible benefit: lợi ích cụ thể

  10. Conglomerate: tập đoàn lớn đa ngành nghề

  11. Carbon footprint: lượng khí thải CO2

  12. Unrealistic: không thực tế


Trên đây là bài mẫu task 1 và task 2 của đề luyện tập IELTS Writing số 4. Hy vọng những chia sẻ trên từ IELTS VIETSTAR CENTRE sẽ giúp ích được bạn trong quá trình luyện thi IELTS. 
