Exercise 3:


1. It is quite important _______ me to get on and think.

   A. of                              B. to                                    C. on                                   D. with

2. The new policies include cutting _______ subsidies and trade barriers.

   A. agriculture                B. agricultural                     C. agriculturalist                 D. agriculturally

3. The control of _______ has been carried out through measures rooted in monetarism.

   A. inflate                       B. inflationist                      C. inflation                          D. inflator

4. It is often a good idea to start with small, easily _______ goals.

   A. achieve                     B. achievement                   C. achievable                      D. achiever

5. Economic reforms began in the Soviet Union in June 1985 by the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to _______

the Soviet economy.

   A. repair                        B. reproduce                       C. restructure                      D. reply

6. After more than a decade of Doi Moi or economic _______, the Vietnamese Communist government has

   achieved diplomatic and economic links with numerous foreign partners.

   A. relation                     B. investment                      C. productivity                      D. renovation

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7. For more than 20 years, the Vietnamese government has pursued the open-door _______ and continued to woo

   foreign investment.

   A. policy                       B. way                                 C. export                             D. guideline

8. After a decade of economic liberalization, Vietnam has seen a dramatic rise in living _______ in urban areas.

   A. surface                      B. standards                        C. levels                              D. backgrounds

9._______ laws and regulations which impose restrictions on any rights should be revised to comply with

  international law.

   A. Domestic                  B. Program                          C. Encouraged                    D. Expanding

10. These new economic reforms have allowed for international _______ and development in the country.

   A. pay                           B. renovation                      C. investment                      D. opportunity

11. In 2001 _______ Vietnamese Communist Party approved a 10-year economic plan that enhanced the role of

the, private sector while reaffirming the primacy of the state.

   A. a                               B. an                                    C. the                                   D. Ø

12. Economic reforms are often carried _______ to promote the developing of a country.

   A. out                            B. on                                   C. for                                   D. in

13. For more than ten years, we have seen the significant _______ in the economy of our country.

   A. develop                     B. developments                 C. developers                      D. developed

14. Henry was a studious student. He needed no _______ to work hard.

   A. encourage                 B. encouraging                    C. encouragement           D. encouraged

15. During the time of economic reforms, the economy has grown _______ with only a few major setbacks.

   A. constant                    B. constantly                       C. constants                         D. constancy

16. The _______ effect of the new policy is that the farmer is now working for himself, and not for the state sake.

   A. legal                         B. common                         C. all                                   D. overall

17. Considering peasants make up nearly 80% of Vietnam's population.

   A. specialists                 B. economists                     C. professors                       D. farmers

18. The Doi Moi reforms have _______ new possibilities in farming systems research in Vietnam.

   A. risen                         B. opened                            C. renovated                        D. called

19. The introduction of appropriate farming practices to Vietnam farmers can help them achieve a higher output.

   A. productivity              B. renovation                      C. guideline                         D. achievement

20. There was a shortage _______ food and safe water after the flood.

   A. on                             B. with                                C. for                                   D. of

21. Constant _______ of attack makes everyday life dangerous here.

   A. threat                        B. threaten                           C. threatening                     D. threateningly

22. No one can predict the future exactly. Things may happen _______.

   A. expected                   B. unexpected                     C. expectedly                      D. unexpectedly

23. Someone who is _______ is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.

   A. powerful                   B. optimistic                       C. stagnant                          D. pessimistic

24. There will be powerful network of computers which may come from a single computing _______ that is worn

  on or in the body.

   A. device                       B. machinery                       C. equipment                       D. vehicle

25. A _______ is a spacecraft that is designed to travel into space and back to earth several times.

   A. a. plane                     B. corporation                     C. telecommunication         D. shuttle

26. An economic _______ is a time when there is very little economic activity, which causes a lot of

  unemployment and poverty.

   A. improvement            B. depression                      C. development                   D. mission

27. In the future many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost.

   A. companies                B. services                           C. supermarkets                  D. farms

28. The more powerful weapons are, the more terrible the _______ is.

   A. creativity                  B. history                            C. terrorism                         D. technology

29. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.

   A. speed                        B. expectation                     C. improvement                  D. treatment

30. What are your plans for _______ future?

   A. a                               B. an                                    C. the                                   D. Ø

31. In the future, the number of tiny but _______ computers you encounter every day will number in the

    thousands, perhaps millions.

   A. power                       B. powerful                         C. powerfully                      D. powered

32. Advances in computing _______, from processing speed to network capacity and the internet, have

  revolutionized the way scientists work.

   A. technology               B. technological                  C. technologically               D. technologist

33. What will the relationship between computing and _______ bring us over the next 15 years?

   A. science                     B. scientific                         C. scientifically                   D. scientist

34. Someone who is _______ thinks that bad things are going to happen.

   A. optimistic                 B. pessimistic                      C. threatened                       D. hopeful

35.  Domestic chores will no longer be a burden thanks to the inventions of laborsaving devices.

   A. Official                     B. Household                      C. Schooling                       D. Foreign

36. The idea of building a _______ with human intelligence is not only ambitious but also highly unconventional.

   A. robot                         B. corporation                     C. line                                 D. road

37. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and dish washers are labor _______ devices which help us do

  housework easily and quickly.

   A. improving                 B. making                           C. saving                             D. employing

38. Those companies were closed due to some seriously financial problems.

   A. taken off                   B. put away                         C. wiped out                        D. gone over

39. The computer allows us to work fast and _______.

   A. efficiently                 B. differently                      C. variously                         D. freshly

40. Many people think that in some more years we will see the complete _______ of newspapers and magazines

  due to the Internet.

   A. disappear                  B. disappearance                 C. appear                             D. appearing

41. ________ Sahara of ________ Africa is the world's largest desert.

   A. Ø / the                      B. The / Ø                           C. A / an                              D. The / an

42. The Sahara contains complex linear dunes that are ________ by almost 6 kilometers.

   A. developed                 B. separated                        C. lay                                   D. located

43. A _______ is a landscape or region that receives very little precipitation.

   A. dune                         B. desert                              C. sandy area                      D. shrub land

44. Deserts are often composed of ________ and rocky surfaces.

   A. water                        B. trees                                C. oil                                   D. sand

45. Three great stretches of sandy deserts almost circle the center of Australia.

   A. dunes                        B. valleys                            C. lands                               D. areas

46. Deserts are also classified by their ________ location and dominant weather pattern.

   A. geographical             B. aerial                               C. sandy                              D. facial

47. Thanks to pictures taken by satellites, deserts have not ________ a mystery in our time.

   A. hidden                      B. intended                         C. remained                         D. attained

48. Can you make a ________ estimate of how much our expedition in the desert may be?

   A. rough                        B. roughly                           C. roughing                         D. roughen

49. After Peter had returned from the Sahara desert, he was confined to bed by a ________ disease.

   A. mystery                    B. mysterious                      C. mysteriously                  D. mysteriousness

50. In the northern part of the Simpson Desert, the dunes are separated by ________ of low, open shrubland.

   A. streets                       B. ways                               C. corridors                         D. lines

51. A ________ is a small raised area of ground, like a very small hill.

   A. slope                         B. hummock                       C. dune                                D. shrub

52. We used to climb up the crest of the hill to get a good view of the surroundings.

   A. top                            B. foot                                 C. middle                            D. face

53. Scientific ________ help to explore some places and discover more and more remote parts of the world.

   A. survey                       B. lead                                 C. research                            D. expedition

54. The wind that blows in the desert comes ________ far away waters.

   A. for                             B. with                                C. in                                    D. from

55. Some sand dunes may be over 200 meters ________ height.

   A. with                          B. at                                     C. on                                   D. in

56. Several ________ advanced countries have had plans to make desert more hospitable.

   A. science                     B. scientific                         C. scientifically                   D. scientist

57. The desert biome includes the hottest places in the world because it absorbs more ________ from the sun than

  land in humid climates do.

   A. heat                           B. hot                                  C. hotly                               D. heating

58. A ________ is a large animal that lives in deserts and is used for carrying goods and people.

   A. slope                         B. dune                                C. spinifex                           D. camel

59. The ________ of a cliff, or mountain, is a vertical surface or side of it.

   A. face                           B. border                             C. crest                                D. lake

60. Most deserts are enormous sandy areas.                      

   A. mysterious                B. narrow                            C. immense                         D. aerial

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Exercise 4:


1. Birds arent all the same. There are many different _____.

   A. categories                 B. species                            C. animals                           D. plants

2. The rhinoceros will become ___ if people continue to hurt them.

   A. extinct                      B. instinct                            C. distinct                           D. extinction

3. Thousands of species of animals and plants are ____ and the number decreases each year.

   A. danger                      B. dangerous                       C. endanger                         D. endangered

4. If one species becomes extinct, the whole chain will be ___ seriously.

   A. disappeared              B. killed                              C. damaged                         D. threatened

5. We depend on species diversity to provide food, clean air and water.

   A. popularity                 B. existence                         C. development                   D. variety

6. More than a billion people all over the world are under the threat of desert____.

   A. increase                    B. expansion                       C. extension                        D. development

7. Biologists have introduced a global list of endangered and vulnerable animal species.

   A. rare and specious      B. small but invaluable       C. weak and easily hurt      D. strong and unusual

8. Government have passed laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade.

   A. enabled                     B. enforced                         C. enacted                           D. ensured

9. The government is now trying to protect gorilla to ensure their ____.

   A. life                            B. existence                         C.survival                            D. growth

10. Everyone is worried about the ___ of the rainforests.

   A. destruction               B. protection                       C. species                            D. extinction  

11. Without ___ all the resources necessary for life would be damaged, wasted or destroyed.

   A. conversation             B. biodiversity                    C. extinction                       D. destruction

 12. Many people are interested in watching ___.

   A. wildlife                     B. wilds                               C. wilderness                      D. wildly

13. This species has nearly died out because its ___ is being destroyed.

   A. environment             B. habitat                            C. land                                D. forest

14. The primary causes of species extinction are habitat destruction, commercial ___ and pollution.

   A. exploit                      B. exploiting                       C. exploitation                    D. exploitative

15. Toxic chemicals in the air and land have also driven many species to the ___ of extinction.

   A. border                       B. limit                                C. verge                               D. edge

16. It is ___ to cross the sea in a small boat.

   A. danger                      B. endanger                         C. dangerous                       D. endangered

17. Do you think plants and animals, however small or oversized, all contribute to the ____?

   A. conversation             B. extinction                       C. destruction                     D. biodiversity

18. Many African and Asian nations have set aside land called ___ to protect the habitats of elephants and other

  wild animals.

   A. reserves                    B. species                            C. wildlife                           D. forest

19. Over 120 ___ of birds have been recorded in this national park.

   A. species                      B. diversity                         C. animals                           D. individuals

20. The mountain gorilla is on the verge of ___.

   A. extinct                      B. extraction                       C. extinguish                       D. extinction    

21. Reviewers often ___ books as “hard to put down” or “hard to pick up again”.

   A. describe                    B. illustrate                          C. classify                           D. choose

22. Have you got any books on business methods or any similar ___?

   A. subject                      B. content                           C. author                             D. matter

23. How are the books in this library___?

   A. divided                     B. named                             C. gathered                         D. classified

24. Roberts new book will be ___ in August.

   A. typed                        B. published                        C. broadcast                        D. announced

25. Im reading a Stephen Kings novel. Its really exciting and I couldnt ___.

   A. get it off                   B. put it down                     C. take it on                         D. look it up

26. Children tend to read ___ books that tell stories through pictures.

   A. novel                        B. fiction                             C. science                            D. comic

27. What kind of readers would you ___ this book?

   A. advise                       B. introduce                        C. recommend                     D. persuade

28. Watching videos is becoming a popular form of ___.

   A. entertain                   B. entertainment                 C. entertainer                      D. entertaining 

29. After talking to Mary for ten minutes, George paused, waiting for her to ___the information.

   A. taste                          B. chew                               C. swallow                          D. digest     

30. Mr. Johnson was so busy that he only had enough time to ___ the report before he attended the meeting.

   A. dip into                     B. review                             C. go over                           D. pick up

31. The book ___ me of the days I was in the army.

   A. remembers                B. reminds                           C. recalls                             D. recollects

32. Most novels are divided into several___.

   A. chapters                    B. units                                C. sections                           D. passages

33.  Cambridge University Press is the ___ of the book you are reading.

   A. author                       B. editor                              C. printer                             D. publisher

34. Ernest Hemingway is one of my ___ American writers.

   A. best                           B. favourite                         C. ideal                                D. most popular

35. Id like to ___ that book when youve read it.

   A. borrow                      B. hire                                 C. lend                                D. loan

36. The plot of the novel was exciting, but I didnt find the ___ very interesting.

   A. characters                 B. figures                            C. people                             D. persons

37. The dictionary is too expensive for me. I cant ___ it.

   A. spend                        B. cost                                 C. afford                             D. pay


38. ___ books tell stories from the authors imagination.

   A. Fiction                      B. Picture                            C. Coloured                        D. Long

39. If you cant find what you are looking for in the book, use the ___.

   A. index                        B. list                                   C. preface                            D. directory

40. Hes a ___ boy. He knows everything from books never gives any logical and practical solutions.

   A. bookworm                B. bookish                           C. bookbinder                     D. book-keeper

41. Runners from eight different countries will be competing in the next ___.

   A. race                           B. place                               C. record                             D. course

42. It is common knowledge that sportmen ___ themselves in good form by regular swimming.

   A. put                            B. make                               C. take                                 D. keep

43. Synchronized swimming is a sport in which groups of swimmers ___ in patterns in the water to music.

   A. go                             B. move                               C. dive                                D. jump

44. Wind – surfing is a common term for two similar ___ sports: sail-surfing and sail- boarding.

   A. water                        B. wind                               C. sail                                  D. board

45. Volleyball, basketball, football are ___ games.

   A. team                         B. group                              C. crowd                             D. class

46. Rowing is the sport or activity of travelling in a boat by using ___.

   A. air tanks                    B. sails                                 C. boards                             D. oars

47. Unlike football, a water polo game is ___ into quarters.

   A. divided                     B. separated                        C. cut                                  D. played

48. In 1918, Smith ___ the record for the worlds longest flight by flying 2,350 miles from Cairo to Calcutta.

   A. smashed                   B. split                                 C. cracked                           D. broke

49. One of the four period of time in which a game of American football is divided is known as a ___.

   A. part                           B. half                                 C. quarter                            D. stage

50. The ___ is the official who controls the game in some sports.

   A. player                       B. captain                            C. referee                            D. defender

51. In water polo, holding balls with two hands and punching ball are ___.

   A. errors                        B. fouls                               C. faults                              D. mistakes

52. A kick taken as a penalty in the game of football is called a penalty kick or ___ kick.

   A. punishment               B. foul                                 C. opposition                       D. spot

53. Any players who commit 5 personal fouls will be ___.

   A. rejected                    B. ejected                            C. sacked                            D. dismissed

54. In water polo the ball can be ___ by passing with one hand.

   A. advanced                  B. forwarded                      C. thrown                            D. kicked

55. No player except the ___ can hold the ball with two hands.

   A. goalie                        B. referee                            C. defensive player             D. striker

56. Katherine Curtis developed the ___ for the competition of synchronized swimming.

   A. regulations                B. formula                           C. laws                                D. principles

57. The whole audience objected to their foul play during the football match.

      A. clumsy                      B. dependent                      C. imperfect                        D. unfair

58. The match ended in a ___.

   A. foul                           B. tie                                   C. range                               D. penalty

59. William won first ___ in the tennis competition.

   A. medal                       B. prize                                C. reward                            D. position

60. If you ___ the goalie, there are seven players in a team.

   A. gather                       B. conclude                         C. collect                             D. include

Xem thêm: Chuyên đề muôn thuở trong các bài thi THPTQG CLAUSE OF PURPOSE"



Exercise 3:


1. B                                    

2. B                                    

3. C                                    

4. C                                                                                

5. C

6. D                                    

7. A                                    

8. B                                    

9. A                                                                                

10. C

11. C                                  

12. A                                  

13. B                                  

14. C                                  

15. B

16. D                                  

17. D                                  

18. B                                  

19. A                                  

20. D

21. A                                  

22. D                                  

23. B                                  

24. A                                                                              

25. D

26. B                                  

27. A                                  

28. C                                  

29. C                                                                              

30. C

31. B                                  

32. A                                  

33. A                                  

34. B                                  

35. B

36. A                                  

37. C                                  

38. C                                  

39. A                                  

40. B

41. B                                  

42. B                                  

43. B                                  

44. D                                  

45. D

46. A                                  

47. C                                  

48. A                                  

49. B                                  

50. C

51. B                                  

52. A                                  

53. D                                  

54. D                                  

55. D

56. C                                  

57. A                                  

58. D                                  

59. A                                  

60. C


Exercise 4:



































































