Xử gọn Describe an art exhibition that you visited như nào nếu bạn gặp đề này trong phòng thi IELTS Speaking thực chiến? Tham khảo ngay bài viết dưới đây để biết cách lên ý tưởng, thành lập dàn bài, take-note trong 1 phút cũng như áp dụng các từ vựng ăn điểm vào bài mẫu Describe an art exhibition that you visited nhé!

I. Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề:
1. Đề bài:
Describe an art exhibition that you visited. You should say:

  • When did you see this exhibition?
  • Where was the exhibition held?
  • What was on display?

Explain your impression of the exhibition.

2. Dàn bài Part 2
2.1. Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)

Thông tin chung

Tác phẩm được trưng bày

  • Tết 2020
  • Trung tâm VCCA 
  • Không biết đến triển lãm trước đó – chỉ đi vì được bạn bè rủ
  • Ấn tượng vì các tác phẩm ở đây đa dạng về thể loại và chủ đề
  • Ấn tượng nhất với tác phẩm trình chiếu 3D

Ấn tượng về cuộc triển lãm

  • Kinh ngạc suốt quá trình đi xem triển lãm
  • Khác biệt nhưng đồng nhất trong thông điệp
  • Không phải tác phẩm nào cũng dễ cảm thụ nhưng chúng đều mới mẻ và gợi nhiều suy nghĩ

2.2. Take-note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)


Works on display

  • Tet holiday 2020
  • VCCA center 
  • Didn’t know of the exhibition – tag along due to friend’s invitation
  • Impressed at the diversity in genre and themes of the art pieces
  • Most favorite: 3D projections

Impressions on the exhibition

  • In awe throughout the exhibition
  • Different but united in terms of message
  • Not all art pieces were easy to grasp, but all were fresh and thought-provoking

3. Sample Speaking
Dưới đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe an art exhibition that you visited được sưu tầm bởi các thầy cô giáo VIET STAR CENTRE. Tham khảo ngay để luyện thi IELTS Speaking hiệu quả tại nhà bạn nhé!

I’ve always been an art fan, but was never that involved in Vietnam’s art scene. It was only until Tet holiday of 2020 that I went to my first ever art exhibition, whose name was “Tỏa 3”, located in Vincom Center for Contemporary Art. This exhibition really left an impression on me, and I am going to tell you more about the experience today.

I quite frankly had no idea that this exhibition even existed in the first place, a sad fact of which the shortage of media coverage on art exhibitions in Vietnam was to blame. It was a few days after Tet holiday in 2020 when my friends invited me to “this viral exhibition” near my house. They gave me very promising reviews, such as “an eye-opening experience”, “quite bizarre but definitely worth a visit”, so I decided to tag along to see what the fuss was about. And let me tell you, this exhibition was one of the best art experiences I’ve had until now.

The reason why I was so thoroughly pleased with this visit was definitely thanks to the art pieces which were on display. The art subjects in this exhibition were all contemporary art and belonged to many different genres, including paintings, installations, potteries, sculptures and 3D projections. The topics covered by the many artists being featured in this exhibition were also incredibly diverse, ranging from war remnants, to the complicated relationship between humans and nature and the blend of the great and mundane in our every day life.

All pieces were top notch, but my absolute favorite was the projections of an alternate universe in which humans didn’t exist. The projections were visually stunning, with unfamiliar cityscapes covered in flowers – a combination that was quite thought-provoking for me.

I was in awe the whole time I walked through each section of the exhibition, because it seemed like every section was different, yet all were connected to raise a single question: Is the world just as you’ve always taken it for? I came out of the exhibition pondering themes I hadn’t considered before, and got a glimpse of other artists’ complicated, sensitive and strangely relatable souls.

Not all art pieces were easy to grasp or even enjoy. Many of them were made as if to challenge the audience’s perspectives, but they were never stale or dull. I’d enjoyed every single moment of this exhibition and would personally recommend it to everyone if it had a chance of being on display again.

Dưới đây là một số từ vựng ăn điểm đã được sử dụng trong bài mẫu Describe an art exhibition that you visited:

  • frankly (adv): thẳng thắn mà nói, nói thẳng ra
  • in the first place (adv): ban đầu
  • shortage (n): sự thiếu hụt
  • media coverage (phr): phủ sóng truyền thông
  • to be to blame (phr): là lỗi của ai, cái
  • viral (a): phổ biến nhanh chóng
  • eye-opening (a): mở mang tầm mắt
  • bizarre (a): kỳ lạ, kỳ quặc
  • tag along (phrasal verb): đi cùng
  • what the fuss was about: mọi người bàn tán, phản ứng nồng nhiệt vì lý do gì
  • contemporary art (n): nghệ thuật đương đại
  • installation (n): tác phẩm sắp đặt
  • war remnant (n): tàn dư chiến tranh
  • mundane (a): thế tục, cõi trần
  • top notch (a): chất lượng cao
  • visually (adv): về mặt hình ảnh
  • cityscape (n): khung cảnh thành thị
  • in awe (adj): ngỡ ngàng
  • ponder (v): băn khoăn, trăn trở
  • get a glimpse of (phr): nhìn thoáng qua
  • relatable (a): có thể liên hệ, đồng cảm được
  • grasp (v): thấu hiểu, nắm được
  • perspective (n): góc nhìn, quan điểm
  • stale (a): cũ kĩ

II. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Art
1. Why do you think some people enjoy looking at paintings and sculptures and others do not?
It’s quite hard to pinpoint a reason as the ultimate cause. I do think some people have a natural love for paintings, sculptures and the likes, since these people are more ‘art-sensitive’. They pick up on the underlying metaphors more easily, and get more stimulated looking at a good painting compared to others, hence their interest.

However, I believe that a lot of people have received inadequate education on art and art appreciation, which explains why they can never see artworks as anything more than fancy aesthetics for the elites or some special individuals in society.

  • pinpoint (v): chỉ ra
  • ultimate (a): cơ bản, nền tảng
  • underlying (a): ngầm, ẩn tàng
  • metaphor (n): ẩn dụ
  • stimulate (v): kích thích
  • inadequate (a): thiếu hụt
  • fancy (a): hào nhoáng
  • aesthetics (n): trường phái mỹ học
  • elite (n): thành phần tinh túy, ưu tú

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an artist?
Biggest advantage? You would live a life of inspiration, expressing your thoughts and emotions through different means and exploring your identity to transfer that to art. If you are a master of your own craft, you may also make good money along the way, which is in no doubt, a huge bonus. I do think, though, that there is a great pressure in creating art – as inspirations can come and go.

As the public’s taste and your own change through time, it could also be a great challenge to find the delicate balance between producing what is popular, thus may be more profitable, and what speaks to you as an artist.

  • identity (n): cá tính, đặc tính
  • a master of one’s own craft (phr): bậc thầy trong lĩnh vực/công việc của mình
  • come and go (idiom): đến và đi rất nhanh
  • delicate balance (phr): sự cân bằng mong manh
  • speak to you: quan trọng với bạn

3. Do you think that some people are naturally better artists than others?
Art prodigies who can create high-quality paintings, sculptures or songs without prior training are definitely no rare sights. These people are born with innate talent and sensitivity towards art, which helps them sell their artworks and get featured in prestigious exhibitions relatively quicker and more easily.

On the other hand, the number of people who are talented from birth like these is arguably modest compared to that of people who learn to create good art despite not being gifted. So while I do think some individuals may excel at art thanks to being born talented, it doesn’t really gatekeep art from others who might have less inherent talent but are still passionate artists.

  • prodigy (n): thiên tài
  • prior (a): trước đó
  • rare sight (n): hiện tượng hiếm
  • get featured in (phr): xuất hiện trong
  • prestigious (a): danh giá
  • arguably (adv): được cho rằng
  • modest (a): khiêm tốn
  • excel at (phr): tài giỏi
  • gatekeep (v): việc người khác cho rằng ai đó không được tham gia vào một lĩnh vực nào đó
  • inherent (a): bẩm sinh

Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 chủ đề Describe an art exhibition that you visited đầy đủ nhất. VIET STAR CENTRE chúc bạn học luyện thi hiệu quả và chinh phục được band điểm Speaking thật cao nhé!

