Câu tường thuật dạng câu mệnh lệnh

Loại câu tường thuật dạng mệnh lệnh ở thể khẳng định

Cấu trúc chính: S + told + Object + to-infinitive

Ví dụ: “ Please cook a meal for me, Mary.” Mary’s boyfriend said

Mary’s boyfriend told her to cook a meal for him.

1. Loại câu tường thuật dạng mệnh lệnh ở thể phủ định

Cấu trúc chính: S + told + Object + not to-infinitive.

Ví dụ: “Don’t open the window in my room.” Jack said

Jack told me not to open the window in his room.

Ngoài từ told dùng khi tường thuật dạng mệnh lệnh, ban cũng có thể thay đổ sang các từ tương tự như: ask, order, tell, advise, beg, warn, command, remind, instruct,…

2. Loại câu tường thuật dạng câu điều kiện có lời nói gián tiếp

Với câu điều kiện loại 1 diễn tả sự thật hiển nhiên, chân lý thì áp dụng phương pháp chung lùi thì bình thường.

Ví dụ: She said: “If I can study in this school, I will be become a good student.”

She said (that) if she could study in that school, she would be become a good student.

Với câu điều kiện loại 2 và 3 diễn tả một điều không có thật, mong muốn, giả sử thì khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp chỉ cần giữ nguyên không đổi là được.

Ví dụ: “ If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.” My friend said

My friend said if he was me, he wouldn’t do that.

Dạng 1: Viết lại đúng các câu sau bằng cách sử dụng cấu trúc câu tường thuật

1. “Please download the information from this file,” the director said to us.

The director told us ………………………………………………………

2. “Where is the cake which I just made?” Her mother asked her.

Her mother asked her where ……………………………………

3. “Which way are you planning to go to the beach?” Mary asked us

Mary asked us which …………………………………………….

4. “Please bring that outfit over here if it has any damage.” the clerk said to Lisa.

The clerk told Lisa………………………………………………………

5. “Don’t come to my house without prior notice.” May’s colleague said to her.

May’s colleague told her ……………………………………………………

6. “Can you do this project best?” My manager told me

My manager told me ………………………………..

7. Jimin’s girlfriend said, “My boyfriend is a very polite and courteous person so I love him very much.”

Jimin’s girlfriend said that ……………………………………..

8. “Is there any restroom nearby?” the customer asked me.

The customer asked me ………………………………..

9. Jenny said to him: “Please lend me your car to carry this cargo to the train station because my dad needs it right now.”

Jenny asked him …………………………..

11. “Don’t stay up late, Jisoo,” Jisoo’s mother said to her.

Jisoo’s mother told her ……………………………..

12. “Tim, did you see the water bottle which I just bought?” Tim’s roommate asked.

Tim’s roommate asked him ………………………………………………

13. “Don’t do anything worse, Jane.” Jane’s brother said to her.

Jane’s brother told her …………………………………….

14. She said: “I’ll take you to school tomorrow, Jack.”

She told Jack…………………………………….

15. “If you accept to take this survey, we will give you a discount coupon.” The seller said to us.

The seller told us …………………………………………………………..

16. “What do you plan to buy for your girlfriend’s birthday?” Tom asked me

Tom asked me ……………………………………………………………

17. “I will get back to you as soon as possible,” the clerk said to him.

The clerk told him …………………………………………….

18. “Can I borrow your phone, Mina?” Mina’s colleague asked her

Mina’s colleague asked her ……………………………………

19. “I want lots of people to come to my birthday party.” My brother said to me

My brother told me ………………………………………………………….

20. “Don’t drink that glass of water because it’s brandy.” Lisa’s boyfriend said to her.

Lisa’s boyfriend told her ………………………………………………….

21. “How long are you planning to study in Australia?” my roommate asked

My roommate asked me …………………………………………………

22. “Are you planning to go to school by train?” Britian’s mother asked him

Britian’s mother wanted to know………………………………………………

23. “Don’t turn on the indoor heater when nobody is there.” March’s mother said

March’s mother told him …………………………………………………….

24. “Will you come to the concert to see my show?” my neighbor asked me

My neighbor invited me …………………………………………………

25. “Don’t drive when you’re on the phone.” Mary’s father said to her.

Mary’s father told her …………………………………………….

26. “Did the doctor come to see you yesterday?” My mother asked

My mother asked me…………………………………………..

27. “Don’t step on the grass.” the neighbor said to me

The neighbor told me ……………………………

28. “What do you want to cook for breakfast, mommy?” Kate asked

Kate asked her mother …………………………….

29. “Can I use your computer, Peter?” Peter ‘s sister asked him

Peter’s sister asked him …………………………………..

30. “Why didn’t I have my name on the record?” The customer asked

The customer wondered…………………………………………..

31. “You has better do well everything that your boss requested, Anna.” John said.

John advised Anna ………………………………………………………..

Đáp án

1. The director told us to download the information from that file.

2. Her mother asked her where the cake   was which she just had made.

3. Mary asked us which way we were planning to go to the beach.

4. The clerk told Lisa to bring that outfit over there if it had any damage.

5. May’s colleague told her not to come to her house without prior notice.

6. My manager told me if I could do that project best.

7. Jimin’s girlfriend said that he was a very polite and courteous person so she loved him very much.

8. The customer asked me if there any restroom nearby was.

9. Jenny asked him to lend her his car to carry that cargo to the train station because her dad needed it right then.

10. Jisoo’s mother told her not to stay up late.

11. Tim’s roommate asked him if he had seen the water bottle which she had just bought.

12. Jane’s brother told her not to do anything worse.

13. She told Jack that she would take him to schook the next day.

14. The seller told us they would give us a discount coupon if we accepted to take that survey.

15. Tom asked me what I planned to buy for my girlfriend’s birthday.

16. The clerk told him that she would get back to him as soon as possible.

17. Mina’s colleague asked her if she could borrow her phone.

18. My brother told me that he wanted lots of people to come to his birthsay party.

19. Lisa’s boyfriend told her not to drink that glass of water because it was brandy.

20. My roommate asked me how long I was planning to sudy in Australia.

21. Britian’s mother wanted to know if he was planning to go to school by train.

22. March’s mother told him not to turn on the indoor heater when nobody was there.

23. My neighbor invited me to come to the concert to see her show.

24. Mary’s father told her not to drive when she was on the phone.

25. My mother asked me if the doctor had come to see me the day before.

26. The neighbor told me not to step on the grass.

27. Kate asked her mother what she wanted to cook for breakfast.

28. Peter’s sister asked him if she could use his computer.

29. The customer wondered why he hadn’t had his name on the record.

30. John advised Anna to do well everything that her boss had requested.



