HISTORY được xem là 1 chủ đề khá khó so với các chủ đề khác, vì thế các bạn nên xem nhiều bài mẫu về chủ đề này để nắm rõ các dạng của nó cũng như từ vựng và cách phát triển ý nhé!




TASK2: some people argue that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history gives many benefits. Discuss those views and give your own opinion.

Children’s education has long been a centre of controversy. Among the debating issues, the issue as to whether students should study history as a compulsory subject remains unclear. Many adopt a view that learning history is useless, meaningless; however, to the best of my knowledge, it has numerous advantages.


Firstly, it is essential to recognize that students can broaden horizons (mở rộng tầm nhìn) thanks to lessons from historical events. In fact, it is common that analysing and learning historical events contributes to the formation of personal perspective(quan điểm) toward political, social issues .To be more specific, learners are not prone to misguided belief which is made up by historians who always want to disseminate (truyền bá) biased (thiên vị) opinions or partial views into new generation. For example, students can comprehend (hiểu) neither good nor bad. However, they are motivated in complex ways. In other words, critical thinking ability is enhanced by learning historical events.


Secondly, albeit intangible(vô hình), learning history will train children to become well-rounded individuals. As a result of reading wide and intensive materials (document) from different sources, they will cumulatively (tích lũy) develop intellectual independence, reading comprehension. Therefore, it is clear that not only does history improve the sharpness, maturity but also stands them in good stead in later life, in careers.


Notwithstanding mentioned arguments, learning history has some problems that should be taken into account. Needless to say, analysing conflicting views is time-consuming, thereby distracting students from core subjects. Furthermore, human society is ever-change for this reason, lesions (tổn thương) from the past may be not suitable, applicable to model social context(bối cảnh). In simple terms, giving high weight to history in elementary and secondary schools is not recommended for many invisible problems.


In conclusion, learning history can bring two significant benefits that are dispassionate view and soft skill. However, every garden has its weeds, educators should take mentioned problems into consideration.

