33 Words of Love & Affirmation

33 Words of Love & Affirmation


33 Words of Love & Affirmation

33 Words of Love & Affirmation


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day has its origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February to celebrate the coming of spring. In the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day, and it came to be celebrated as a day of romance from about the 14th century. 

Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is a romantic holiday in many countries around the world. To mark this special occasion, we’d like to share some advanced vocabulary to help you talk about love & relationships.

Remember, most of these expressions are idiomatic and fairly informal, so don’t use them in your Academic Writing.

But you can drop them into the Speaking Test or an IELTS GT Informal Letter to impress the examiner and boost your score for Lexical Resource!



When Max first saw Sarah at the party, he started chatting her up. ( tán tỉnh)

He asked her out ( mời cô ấy đi ăn tối/ hẹn hò), and she said yes!

They’re going out on a date ( hẹn hò) this weekend. 

Max has really fallen for (yêu) Sarah. He’s texting her everyday!

They’ve been going out( hẹn hò)now for a few weeks. It looks like they’re going steady ( chính thức quen nhau). 

Oh no, Sarah got cold feet (cảm thấy lo lắng)! She’s dumped (chia tay) him! Poor Max.


In Love

It was love at first sight. (tình yêu sét đánh/ yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên)

We’ve been together( ở bên nhau) now for almost six years.

He / she’s my soulmate(bạn tri kỉ)

You’re the apple of my eye (người yêu quý)




I popped the question (cầu hôn), and he said yes!

When is the big day(ngày cưới)?

We’re tying the knot( kết hôn) in June this year.

It sounds like a match made in heaven (tâm đầu ý hợp).



We’ve kept in touch (giữ liên lạc) since school.

We hang out ( đi chơi chung) whenever we get the chance. 

We get on like a house on fire (kết thân/ có mối quan hệ thân thiết).

We’re really close (bạn thân).

At the weekend, I like to catch up (đi chơi) with my friends.


Both Friends & Lovers

We hit it off straight away (tâm đầu ý hợp)

We’ve got a lot in common(có nhiều điểm chung )

We share a lot of the same interests ( có chung nhiều sở thích)

We’re like two peas in a pod ( giống nhau như 2 giọt nước).


Relationship Types



Some people are afraid of commitment ( sợ sự ràng buộc). They prefer to have casual relationships (mối quan hệ bạn bè bình thường).

Tina and Pedro live thousands of miles apart. They’re in a long-distance relationship (yêu xa)


Michael is ready for a serious relationship (mối quan hệ chính thức). He’s going to propose (cầu hôn)to his girlfriend.


Trust is essential for a healthy relationship(1 mối quan hệ tốt).


Angus and Sophie have been together forever(sống cùng nhau mãi mãi). They’re in a long-term relationship(mối quan hệ lâu dài).



