Describe a singer that you like. – chủ đề thông dụng trong bài thi IELTS Speaking. Vậy làm sao để trả lời chỉn chu và lưu loát khi đối diện với giám khảo trong phòng thi thực chiến nếu bạn gặp đề bài này? Tham khảo ngay bài viết dưới đây để hiểu về dàn bài, ý tưởng bài mẫu cũng như bỏ túi được những từ vựng ăn điểm được sử dụng trong chủ đề này!

I. Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a singer that you like
1. Đề bài
Describe a singer that you like. You should say:

  • Who he/she is
  • Where and when you heard him/her sing for the first time
  • What types of song she/he sings

And explain why you like his/her music

2. Dàn bài Part 2
2.1. Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)

Bối cảnh

Nơi nghe và cách biết đến từ đầu

  • Jeff Satur
  • Nhạc sĩ người lai hoạt động ở Thái Lan
  • Phát hiện khi đang lướt Twitter và nghe được bản cover “Green Tea & Honey” một vài tháng trước

Thể loại âm nhạc

Lý do ưa thích

  • Thích nhạc RnB, neo-soul, ballad
  • Phù hợp với giọng hát và thế mạnh của Jeff. 
  • Khả năng ca hát: sự tiến bộ trong giọng hát
  • Đồng cảm với ý nghĩa bài hát
  • Nhiều tiềm năng

2.2. Take-note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)


Where & when

  • Jeff Satur
  • Mixed-race singer working in Thai’s music industry
  • Discovered Jeff while surfing Twitter and heard a cover of “Green Tea & Honey” a few months ago

Types of music


  • Likes RnB, neo-soul, ballad music
  • Matches Jeff’s vocal strengths.
  • Vocal techniques: shows noticeable improvements
  • Sympathize with the meaning of the songs
  • Lots of potential

3. Sample Speaking: Describe a singer that you like
Dưới đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe a singer that you like. được sưu tầm bởi thầy cô giáo hạng A tại VIET STAR CENTRE. Tham khảo ngay để ôn luyện thi IELTS Speaking hiệu quả và chinh phục được band điểm thật cao nhé!

While I admire many singers in the entertainment sphere, my absolute favorite and whose live shows are to die for in my opinion must be Jeff Satur.
So for anyone who’s not a fan, Jeff Satur is a mixed-race singer active in the Thai music scene under Grand Musik label. My discovery of Jeff was by serendipity, when I stumbled upon his cover of “Green Tea & Honey” as I was mindlessly scrolling through Twitter a few months ago. The cover, which has become part of my easy listening playlist ever since, also sparked my interest in Jeff and his artistic identity and well, the rest is history.

With more exposure to the music Jeff produces and tends to cover, I could say he has a long-lasting, passionate love for RnB, neo-soul as well as ballad, as his discography and covers feature these music types along with chiller, less instrumental-heavy versions of pop songs pretty often.

Personally, I consider this a sensible choice, as Jeff has good control of his baritone and dynamics when it comes to the aforementioned genres. His resonance and harmonies also shine when he does ballad duets with different artists. Some may consider his music undiversified, but I find his resilience to stay true to his passion a rare showcase of will-power.

To answer why I fancy him and his art so much, the list of reasons seems endless. First and foremost, I admire his talent in singing, because he seems to be one of the few artists who actually put efforts in training his vocal techniques and has improved immensely since debut.

What’s more, his views on love and one’s own identity admist the turbulence of life – a recurring theme in his songs – resonate with me. I am also a huge fan of the way his story-telling brings a different message in every song, yet he still manages to keep his own unique color as ‘Jeff’. All in all, Jeff is an amazing artist who is devoted to his craft, who is a perfectionist but never regrets his mistakes or struggles, who is an enigma full of potential that I believe everyone should know of.

Một số từ vựng ăn điểm được sử dụng trong bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Describe a singer that you like, cụ thể đó là:

  • entertainment sphere (n): giới giải trí
  • to die for (phr): tuyệt hảo
  • serendipity (n): tình cờ gặp vận may
  • stumble upon (phrasal verb): vô tình tìm thấy
  • mindlessly (adv): một cách vô thức
  • scroll through (phrasal verb): lướt
  • easy listening (n): nhạc dễ nghe
  • spark one’s interest in (phr): khơi dậy hứng thú
  • artistic identity (n): bản ngã nghệ sĩ
  • exposure (n): tiếp xúc
  • the rest is history (phr): những chuyện khác như mọi người đã biết
  • neo-soul (n): tân soul
  • discography (n): danh sách các đĩa hát
  • sensible (a): thông minh, khôn ngoan
  • baritone (n): giọng nam trung
  • dynamics (n): thay đổi âm lượng khi hát
  • aforementioned (a): đã nhắc đến
  • resonance (n): cộng hưởng
  • harmony (n): hòa thanh
  • undiversified (a): không đa dạng
  • resilience (n): sự kiên trì
  • vocal technique (n); kĩ thuật thanh nhạc
  • turbulence (n): sự nhiễu loạn
  • recurring (a): lặp đi lặp lại
  • resonate (v): tạo đồng cảm
  • devoted to one’s craft (phr): đam mê với công việc
  • enigma (n): điều bí ẩn, người khó hiểu

II. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Music
1. What kind of music do people like at different ages?
Well, I believe that the older we grow, the more our musical choices evolve. Let’s talk about kids first. They seem more fascinated by nursery rhymes or marches, since these tend to be easy to sing along.

As one grows, though, their music tastes start to branch out to  a myriad of genres determined by different factors, namely popular artists or music trends, personal taste and emotional development, or even peer influence. They would start to appreciate more academically acclaimed genres such as orchestral music, or even extreme sub-groups like metal. This development functions on a case-by-case basis, really, so it’s quite tough to summarise in a short answer.

  • nursery rhymes (n): thơ vần cho trẻ em
  • branch out (phr): bắt đầu làm gì đó mới
  • a myriad of (phr): rất nhiều
  • peer influence (n): ảnh hưởng của bạn bè
  • academically acclaimed (a): nổi tiếng, được ghi nhận dưới góc độ hàn lâm
  • orchestral music (n): nhạc giao hưởng
  • sub-group (n): nhóm nhỏ, nhóm phụ
  • metal (n): nhạc kim loại nặng
  • case-by-case basis (n): tùy theo từng trường hợp

2. What kind of music is popular in your country now and what kind will be in the future?
Hmmmm, I believe the music type with the most media presence nowadays is still pop, as it usually creates a sense of familiarity with young listeners due to its catchy and at times, repetitive patterns, and you already know how invested on social media this audience group can be.

However, more traditional genres including bolero or chèo still bear testament to time, with its own lively and supportive community. The future holds so much potential for indie and rap, as their fan bases have been growing consistently these past few years and they are also genres that Gen Z seem to dig.

  • media presence (n): hiện diện truyền thông
  • a sense of familiarity (phr): cảm giác quen thuộc
  • to be invested on (a): quan tâm tới
  • bear testament to time (phr): vượt qua phép thử của thời gian
  • fan base (n): nhóm fan
  • dig (v): thích thú

3. Do parents in your country require their children to learn and to play musical instruments?
It’s Asia we’re talking about, so yes, pianos or their less extravagant version, organs, are quite literally the obsession of many Vietnamese households. Other honorary mentions probably would be guitars or violins. I wouldn’t declare that parents here in Vietnam force their children to learn to play musical instruments. It’s more like they would take music learning into consideration when it comes to extra-curricular activities for young children. Whether the kids aim to pursue this instrument in the future depends on them most of the time.

  • extravagant (a): đắt đỏ
  • literally (adv): nghĩa đen
  • obsession (n): sự ám ảnh
  • honorary mentions (phr): nhắc đến danh dự
  • declare (v): tuyên bố
  • pursue (v): theo đuổi

Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 chủ đề Describe a singer that you like. VIET STAR CENTRE chúc bạn ôn luyện thi hiệu quả và chinh phục được band điểm thật cao trong phòng thi thực chiến nhất nhé!

