A. Câu tường thuật với các động từ "to-infinitive"

1. Tường thuật một mệnh lệnh: "told s.b (not) to do sth"

Direct: "Put your books away" said the teacher.

Reported: The teacher told us to put our books away.

2. Tường thuật một yêu cầu: "asked sb (not) to do sth"

Direct: "Please, don't smoke in this room" said the clerk.

Reported: The clerk asked me not to smoke in that room.

3. Tường thuật một lời khuyên: "advised sb (not) to do sth"

Direct: "If I were you, I wouldn't drink so much wine" he said.

Reported: He advised me not to drink so much wine.

4. Tường thuật lời hứa: "promise to do sth"

Direct: "I'll give you a hand, if you like" said Adam.

Reported: Adam promised to give me a hand, if I liked.

5. Tường thuật một đe dọa: "threatened to do sth"

Direct: " Get out or I'll call the police" said the woman.

Reported: The woman threatened to call the police if he didn't get out.

6. Tường thuật một lời cảnh cáo: " warned sb (not) to do sth"

Direct: "Don't touch that wire" he said.

Reported: He warned me not to touch that wire.

7. Tường thuật một lời mời: " invited sb to do sth"

Direct: " Come for dinner with us to night, will you?" Bill said.

Reported: Bill invited me to come for dinner with them that night.

8. Tường thuật một lời nhắc nhở: "reminded sb to do sth"

Direct: "Remember to post my letter on your way" Wendy said.

Reported: Wendy reminded me to post her letter on my way.

9. Tường thuật một lời khuyến khích: "encouraged sb to do sth"

Direct: " Go ahead, you must enter for the contest, Jill!" said Pam.

Reported: Pam encouraged Jill to enter for the contest.

10. Tường thuật một lời nài nỉ: "begged/implored sb to do sth"

Direct: "Please, do me a favor" said the beggar to Carol.

Reported: The beggar begged/ implored Carol to do him a favor.

11. Tường thuật một lời chào mời: "offered to do sth"

Direct: "Shall I help you with the housework?" said Tim to his wife.

Reported: Tim offered to help his wife with the housework.

12. Tường thuật một lời chấp thuận: "agreed to do sth"

Direct: "Ok, I'll take you to work in my carin, Sue" said Carl.

Reported: Carl agreed to take Sue to work in his car.

B. Câu tường thuật với các danh động từ

1. Tường thuật một lời buộc tội: "accused sb of doing sth"

Direct: "You damaged my new laptop, Dan", said Susan.

Reported: Susan accused Dan of damaging her new laptop.

2. Tường thuật lời chấp nhận: "admitted doing/ having done sth"

Direct: "I didn't tell you the truth, Ron.", said Kim.

Reported: Kim admitted not telling/ not having told Ron the truth.

3. Tường thuật lời phủ nhận: "denied doing/having done sth"

Direct: "I didn't break that vase," said Tom.

Reported: Tom denied breaking/ having broken that vase.

4. Tường thuật một lời xin lỗi: "apologized (to sb) for doing sth"

Direct: "I'm sorry I've kept you waiting" said Amanda.

Reported: Amanda apologized for having kept me waiting.

5. Tường thuật một lời chúc mừng: " congratulated sb on doing sth"

Direct: "Congratulations! You won the game!" said the principal.

Reported: The principal congratulated the students on winning the game.

6. Tường thuật một lời khẳng định: "insisted in doing sth"

Direct: "I must pay for this damage," the man said.

Reported: The man insisted of paying for that damage.

7. Tường thuật một đề xuất: "suggested doing sth"

Direct: "Let's have a picnic this weekend," Muad suggested.

Reported: Muad suggested having a picnic that weekend.

8. Tường thuật một lời cảm ơn: "thanked sb for (doing) sth"

Direct: "Thank you very much for your advice," he said.

Reported: He thanked me for my advice.

9. Tường thuật một lời cảnh cáo: "warned sb against (doing) sth"

Direct: "Don't invest in that business," said my lawyer.

Reported: My lawyer warned me against investing in that business.

10. Tường thuật một lời chỉ trích: "blamed sb for (doing) sth"

Direct: "You are responsible for this failure," said the director.

Reported: The director blamed his deputy for that failure.

11. Tường thuật một lời thừa nhận: "confessed to (doing) sth"

Direct: "It was me who stole the money," said Jack.

Reported: Jack confessed to stealing the money.



Bài 1: Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng cách nói gián tiếp.

1.“Open the door.” he said to them.

- He told them...................................................................

2. “Where are you going?” he asked her.

- He asked her where.........................................................

3. “Which way did they go?” he asked.

- He asked... ......................................................................

4. “Bring it back if it doesn’t fit.”, I said to her.

- I told... ............................................................................

5. “Don’t try to open it now.” she said to us.

- She told... ........................................................................

6. “Is it going to be a fine day today?” I asked her.

- I asked her... ....................................................................

7. “He’s not at home.”, she said.

- She said that... .................................................................

8. “Is the bus station far away?” the girl asked.

- The girl wanted to know... ..............................................

9. “Don’t stay out late, Ann.” Tom said.

- Tom told Ann... ...............................................................

10. “Please let me borrow your car.” he said to her.

- He asked... ........................................................................

11. “Jean, have you seen my gloves?” Thomas asked.

- Thomas asked Jean.....

12. Don’t leave the window open, Mary.”, I said.

- I told Mary.... ...................................................................

13. “I’ll have a cup of tea with you.” she said.

- She said that...

14. “I’ll pay him if I can.” she said.

- She said that... ...................................................................

15. “What are you going to do next summer?” she asked.

- She asked us.... ...................................................................

16. “I’ll phone you tomorrow.” he told Jack.

- He told Jack that.... .............................................................

17. “Can I sit beside you, Jean?” Tom asked.

- Tom asked Jean.... ..............................................................

18. “I want a camera for my birthday.” he said.

- He said that.... ...................................................................

19. “Don’t keep the door locked.” he said to us.

- He told us.... ...................................................................

20. “How long are you going to stay?” I asked him.

- I asked him how long....

21. “Are you going by train?” she asked me.

- She wanted to know.... ..................................................

22. “Don’t use too much hot water.” she said to us.

- She asked us.... ..............................................................

23. “Will you come to my party?” she said to me.

- She invited me.... ............................................................

24. “Don’t do it again.” she said to them.

She told them..................................................................

25. “ Did Mr Brown send the potatoes to you?” she asked.

- She asked.......................................................................

26. “Don’t get your shoes dirty, boys.” she said.

- She told..........................................................................

27. “What do you want for lunch today, Peter?” Mary asked.

- Mary asked.......................................................................

28. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter.

- Peter asked if .......................................................................

29. “Why didn’t I get a computer before?” thought the office manager.

- The office manager wondered............................................................

30. “You had better not lend him any more money, Elizabeth.’’ said John.

- John advised Elizabeth........................................................................

31. “You stole my best cassette, Amanda!” said John.

- John accused.......................................................................................

32. “ You damaged my bicycle, John!” said Mary.

- Mary accused......................................................................................

33. “When was your little boy born?” said the nurse to Mrs. Bingley.

- The nurse asked Mrs. Bingley...............................................................

34. “You should take more exercise, Mr. Robert.” the doctor said.

- The doctor advised................................................................................

35. “Will I find a job?”, Tim said to himself.

- Tim wondered.......................................................................................

36. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number.” said Paul to Susan.

- Paul apologized.....................................................................................

37. “When is the first day of your holiday, Peter?” Martha asked.

- Martha asked Peter when.....................................................................

38. “Can I have a new bicycle?” said Anna to her mother.

- Anna asked............................................................................................

39.. “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William.”, his mother said.

- William’s mother told..........................................................................

40. “Don’t bite your nails.” said Mrs. Rogers to her son.

- Mrs. Rogers told....... .............................................................................

41. “I’ve seen the film three times, Mary.” said George.

- George said............................................................................................

42. “I’m sorry, Angela.” said Martin, “I’m afraid I’ve damaged your car."

- Martin apologized..................................................................................

43. “Have you had enough for lunch?” the landlady asked us.

- The landlady asked................................................................................

44. “ John, please don’t tell anyone my new address.” said Mary.

- Mary asked............................................................................................

45. “Breakfast will not be served after 9. 30.” said the notice.

- The notice said that..............................................................................

46. “Where is the best place to buy souvenirs?”

- I asked..................................................................................................

47. “Don’t forget to bring your passport with you tomorrow.”

- She reminded me ................................................................................

48. “Do not write on the wall.” said the teacher to the boys.

- The teacher told the boys………………………………………..........

49. “How many jobs have you had since 2000?” the interviewer asked Mr. Simpson.

- The interviewer asked ...........................................................................

50. “Why didn’t you report the incident to the police?” the officer asked the frightened witness.

- The officer wanted to know...................................................................

Đáp án

1. He told them to open the door.

2. He asked her where she was going.

3. He asked me which way they had gone.

4. I told her to bring it back if it didn’t fit.

5. She told us not to try to open it then.

6. I asked her whether/ if it was going to be a fine day that day.

7. She said that he was not at home.

8. The girl wanted to know whether/ if the bus station was far away.

9. Tom told Ann not to stay out late.

10. He asked her to let him borrow her car.

11. Thomas asked Jean whether/if she had seen his gloves.

12. I told Mary not to leave the window open.

13. She said that she would have a cup of tea with me.

14. She said that she would pay him if she could.

15. She asked us what we were going to do the following summer.

16. He told Jack that he would phone him the following day.

17. Tom asked Jean whether/if he could sit beside her.

18. He said that he wanted a camera for his birthday.

19. He told us not to keep the door locked.

20. I asked him how long he was going to stay.

21. She wanted to know whether I was going by train.

22. She asked us not to use too much hot water.

23. She invited me to come to her party.

24. She told them not to do it again.

25. She asked whether/ if Mr. Brown sent the potatoes to me.

26. She told the boys not to get their shoes dirty.

27. Mary asked what Peter wanted for lunch that day.

28. Peter asked Janet whether/ if he could borrow her typewriter.

29. The office manager wondered why he hadn’t got a computer before.

30. John advised Elizabeth not to lend him any more money.

31. John accused Amanda of stealing his best cassette.

32. Mary accused John of damaging her bicycle.

33. The nurse asked Mrs. Bingley where her little boy had been born.

34. The doctor advised Mr. Robert to take more exercise.

35. Tim wondered whether/ if he would find a job.

36. Paul apologized to Susan for giving her the wrong number.

37. Martha asked Peter when the first day of his holiday was.

38. Anna asked her mother whether/ if she could have a new bicycle.

39. William’s mother told him not to leave the house until she got back.

40. Mrs. Rogers told her son not to bite his nails.

41. George said to Mary that he had seen the film three times.

42. Martin apologized to Angela for having damaged her car.

43. The landlady asked us whether/if we had had enough for lunch.

44. Mary asked John not to tell anyone her new address.

45. The notice said that breakfast would not be served after 9.30.

46. I asked where the best place to buy souvenirs was.

47. She reminded me to bring my passport with me the following day.

48. The teacher told the boys not to write on the wall.

49. The interviewer asked Mr. Simpson how many jobs he had had since 2000.

50. The officer wanted to know why the frightened witness hadn’t reported the incident to the police.



