1. Hundreds of species of Hawaiian flowers have become extinct or rare ___ land development and the grazing of 

wild goats.

   A. now that                   B. due to                             C. because                           D. for

2. ___ extremely bad weather in the mountains, were no longer considering our skiing trip.

   A. Due to                      B. Because                          C. Since                               D. Due to the fact that

3. Barbara is motivated to study ___ she knows that a good education can improve her life.

   A. because                     B. because of                      C. due to                             D. owing to

4. He could not play in the game ___ his foot injury.

   A. because                     B. due to the fact that         C. because of                      D. for

5. ___ I had nothing for lunch but an apple, I ate dinner early.

   A. For                            B. Since                               C. Due to                             D. Because of

6. Mr. Watson retired from his job early ___ his ill health.

   A. because                     B. due to                             C. as                                    D. for

7. She bought a book ___ she had heard it was good.

   A. because of                B. owing to                         C. due to                             D. due to the fact that

Xem thêm: Ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT quốc gia chuyên đề “passive voice”

8. Josh couldnt open the door ___ the lock was broken.

   A. because                     B. because of                      C. due to                             D. owing to

9. Lets ask our teacher how to solve this problem ___ we cant agree on the answer.

   A. Since                        B. because of                      C. due to                             D. owing to

10. ____the need to finish this project soon. I want you to work on this overtime for the next few days.

   A. Because                    B. As                                   C. Because of                      D. Since

11. I cant ride my bike ___ there isnt any air in one of the tires.

   A. because                     B. because of                      C. due to                             D. owing to

12. ___ our apartment building has had two robberies in the last month, Im going to put an extra lock on the door

   and install a telephone in my bedroom.

   A. Since                        B. For                                  C. because of                      D. owing to  

13. I turned on the fan ___ the room was hot.

   A. due to                       B. owing to                         C. because                           D. because of

14. We didnt arrive at the lecture on time ___ the bus was late.

   A. owing to                   B. as                                    C. because of                      D. due to

15. I wonder who drank all the milk yesterday. It cant have been Susan ___ she was out all day.

   A. because of                B. because                           C. due to                             D. owing to

Xem thêm: Ôn thi tốt nghiệp THPT quốc gia chuyên đề “Model verb”

16. ___ the old man spoke very slowly and clearly, I could understand him at all.

   A. As                             B. because of                      C. due to                             D. owing to

17. I knew they were talking about me ___ they stopped when I entered the room.

   A. because                     B. because of                      C. owing to                         D. due to

18. ___ the storm, the ship couldnt reach its destination on time.

   A. Owing to                  B. As                                   C. Since                               D. Because

19. ___ his parents generosity, all of the children in his family have received the best of anything.

   A. Due to the fact that  B. Because of                      C. Because                          D. Since  

20. ___ she has a job, she is able to pay her rent and provide food for her family.

   A. Since                       B. Due to                             C. Because of                      D. Owing to

21. We didn’t go to France last summer______ we couldn’t afford to.

   A. Owing to                  B. due to                             C. because                           D. because of

22. ______the flight delay, they didn’t attend the conference.

   A. Because                   B. For                                  C. owing to                         D. Because of

23. The flight from New York to London was delayed ______ the heavy fog.

   A. because of                B. because                           C. since                               D.due to the fact that

24. Hoa was late _____ her car was broken down.

   A. because of                B. due to                              C. because                           D. owing to

25. We couldn’t sleep last night _____ the noise next door.

   A. as                              B. since                               C. because                           D. because of

26. ______ he can’t afford a car, he goes to work by bicycle.

   A. Because                    B. Since                               C. As                                   D. all are correc

27. Huong didn’t participate in the contest ______ her lack of confidence.

   A. because                     B. because of                      C. since                               D. due to the fact that

28. The player was ejected because he committed a foul.

A. as                              B. due to                              C. owing to                         D. because of

29. Mary didn't go to school yesterday____ she was sick.

   A. thanks to                   B. owing to                         C. because                           D. as          

30. I cant sleep _____ the hot weather.

     A. because of           B. for                                  C. because                        D. since

Xem thêm: Công phá 9+ đề thi THPTQG





1. B                                    2.A

2. A

3. A 

4. C 

5. B 

6. B 

7. D 

8. A 

9. A 

10. C 

11. A 

12. A 

13. C 

14. B 

15. B 

16. A 

17. A 

18. A 

19. B 

20. A 

21. C 

22. A 

23. A 

24. C 

25. D 

26. D 

27. B 

28. A 

29. C 

30. A


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