Giải đề IELTS CAMBRIDGE 16: Test 1 – Writing Task 2

Giải đề IELTS CAMBRIDGE 16: Test 1 – Writing Task 2

Giải đề IELTS CAMBRIDGE 16: Test 1 – Writing Task 2


Dưới đây là bài giải mẫu cho đề Writing Task 2 của bài Test 1 trong cuốn IELTS Cambridge 16 mới nhất. Bạn có thể tham khảo thêm phần từ vựng được liệt kê ở trong bài viết.

Phân tích đề bài

In some countries, more and more people are becoming interested in finding out the history of the building they live in. What are the reason for this? How can people reasearch this?

(Ở một số quốc gia, ngày càng có nhiều người quan tâm đến việc tìm hiểu lịch sử của căn nhà mà họ đang sống. Lý do cho điều này là gì? Mọi người có thể tìm lại cái này?)

Đây là dạng bài Two-Part Question yêu cầu người viết cần bày tỏ quan điểm, lý do, dẫn chứng một cách hiệu quả để trả lời từng câu hỏi đặt ra trong đề bài. Dưới đây là hướng đi giải quyết từng yêu cầu của đề.

1. Reason

– Age -> Preserve

– Cultural viewpoint: feng shui

2. How to search

– Ask the owners – neighbors

– Online and offline resources

Outline bài viết


Introduce the topic

Body paragraph 1


Body paragraph 2

How to reasearch



Bài mẫu (Sample Answer)

It is increasingly prevalent among citizens in some parts of the world to research into the origin of their accommodation building. This essay will discuss some keys reasons behind this tendency and suggest a multitude of ways a property’s past.


there are two possible factors contributing to people’s inclination towards such  

investigation. From the practical perspective, a better understanding about the architectural history of a living place goes a long way towards future maintenance purposes. Homeowners, for example,  who have learned about the age, the electrical plan, or the sewage system of their house can easily evaluate its condition for better preservation. From a spiritual perspective, people who believe in religious cultures may find tracing their home’s history essentials. Specifically, in Asia, the practice of feng Shui indicates that the way the house is built or objects arranged can affect occupants' happiness, success and health. By understanding the original design, these people can find a way to balance positive energy in their house.

Fortunately there are two simple methods, from interviewing local dwellers to visiting libraries, that can ensure reliable clues during the project. First of all, spending time talking with previous owners or neighbors can assist people to discover  historical traces in their house. This is perhaps the best way to find out  about the old stories, since these people have resided in the site for a certain period of time. Second of all, local libraries maintain historical land records. Land ownerships, rehabilitation records, and untold stories  about  the building can give tenants a better description of the place they spend their life in.


The reason above might give an insight into householders’ curiosity to delve into the history of their house, and with the support of others, they can work backward forward from what they already know. 


Từ vựng (Vocabulary highlight)

go along way toward: hướng tới, đi tới

feng shui: phong thủy

balance positive energy: cân bằng năng lượng tốt

curiosity: sự tò mò

work backward: làm ngược lại

