Collocations about personality

Collocations about personality


Collocations about personality

Collocations about personality

Today, we are about to share with you some phrases and expressions about personality. We hope that this post will be useful for you.

1 . To be the life and soul of the party: a fun people, someone who is the center of activity

Example: He has always been the life and soul of every party that he took part in.

2. To hide one’s light under a bushel: to hide one’s talents and skills

Example: I have to say that she is the type of person hiding her light under a bushel.

3. To lose one’s temper: to suddenly become angry

Example: Please leave before I lose my temper.

4. Good sense of humour: the ability to understand what is funny

Example: The guy has a good sense of humour, then he always is the life and soul of the party.

5. Trustworthy: can be trusted

Example: I have known her for many years, so I must say that she is a trustworthy person.

6. Self- confident: believes in one’s own ability or knowledge

Example: My sister is self-confident, and she always believes on herself even when she has to speak in front of lots of people.

7. Self-assured: confident

Example: I want to teach my children to be self-assured from early ages.

8. Introverted: Someone who is shy

Example: In my opinion, people who is introverted cannot be a good leader.

9. Extroverted: having a confident character and enjoying the company of other people

Example: She is extroverted, and she really like to interact with other people.

10. Easy- going: relaxed and not easily worried about anything

Example: She is easy-going, and she never lost her temper.

11. To bend over backwards: to try very hard to help someone

Example: Peter has always bend over backwards to help me out whenever I am in trouble.

