Exercise 5:

1. Johnny used to be one of the most _______ athletes in my country.

   A. succeed                    B. success                           C. successful                       D. successfully

2. The 22nd SEA Games consisted of athletes from eleven _____ countries.

   A. participate                B. participant                      C. participation               D. participating

3. _______, the athlete broke the world's record with two attempts.

   A. Surprise                    B. Surprised                        C. Surprising                      D. Surprisingly

4. On behalf of the referees and athletes, referee Hoang Quoc Vinh and shooter Nguyen Manh Tuong swore to an

  oath of "_______, Honesty and Fair Play".

   A. Performance             B. Delegation                      C. Participation                   D. Solidarity

5. The ASEAN Para-Games are hosted by the same country where the SEA Games took place.

   A. organized                 B. impressed                       C. participated                     D. defended

6. The ASEAN Para-Games is a biannual multi-sport _______ held after every Southeast Asian Games for

  athletes with physical disabilities.                                                                            

   A. games                       B. event                               C. work                               D. situation

7. In beach volleyball, Indonesia defeated Thailand in straight sets to take men's gold _______.

   A. present                      B. award                              C. medal                              D. reward

8. The 22nd SEA Games was the first time when Vietnam finished top of the medal _______.

   A. standings                  B. events                             C. spirits                              D. programs

9. Viet Nam's successful hosting of the 22nd SEA Games is considered a/an _____ example for other countries to follow, particularly in honesty, consistence and organizing method.

   A. festival                     B. peaceful                          C. energetic                           D. outstanding

10. The number of Vietnamese sport officials and referees of international standard taking part in regional

   tournaments has increased rapidly.

   A. hosting                     B. participating                   C. achieving                          D. succeeding

11. At the 23rd SEA Games, Viet Nam proved its position in the region by ____ third behind the host - the

    Philippines and second-ranked Thailand.

   A. finishing                   B. playing                           C. preparing                        D. performing

12. In the 22nd SEA Games in 2003, the country _______ the competition with 340 medals, including 156 golds,

   91 silvers and 93 bronzes.

   A. defended                  B. cost                                 C. topped                            D. ranked

13. To improve its athletes' _______, Viet Nam has regularly exchanged delegation of sport officials, coaches,

    referees and athletes with other countries.

   A. team                         B. competitor                      C. appearance                 D. performance

14. _______ is the activity of doing special exercises regularly in order to make your muscles grow bigger.

   A. Wrestling                 B. Bodybuilding                 C. Weightlifting                  D. Badminton

15. He is a great sports _______. He rarely misses any sport games although he was busy.

   A. enthusiast                 B. player                             C. energy                             D. programmer


16. At the 23rd SEA Games, Viet Nam proved its position in the region by ____ third behind the host - the

    Philippines and second-ranked Thailand.

   A. finishing                   B. playing                           C. preparing                        D. performing

17. How many _______ took part in the 22nd SEA Games?

   A. compete                    B. competitors                     C. competition                    D. competitor

18. The second part of the program in the 22nd SEA Games opening ceremony was named "_______ for Peace".

   A. Cooperate                 B. Cooperation                    C. Cooperative                    D. Cooperatively

19. The _______ wanted to reduce the breadth of the games, with many events currently having small fields and

  weak competition.

   A. organize                   B. organization                   C. organizable                     D. organizers

20. Before the 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam had made a good _______ in every aspect.

   A. prepare                     B. preparation                     C. preparative                     D. preparer

21. ASEAN press praised the great _______ of Vietnamese athletes at the 22nd SEA Games.

   A. sports                        B. sportsman                       C. sporting                          D. sportsmanship

22. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great contribution of many _______ volunteers.

   A. support                     B. supporter                        C. supportive                       D. supportively

23. Since its rejoining in the Southeast Asian arena in 1989, Viet Nam's sports have made great _______,

   particularly in recent SEA Games.

   A. success                     B. invention                        C. host                                 D. game

24. The athlete had tried his best to _______ his SEA Games title and records.

   A. carry                         B. perform                           C. defend                            D. support

25. Viet Nam is now willing to _______ part in the 24th SEA Games hosted by Thailand by the end of 2007 with

   a total of 958 athletes.

   A. play                          B. lose                                 C. take                                 D. enjoy

26. The International Committee Red Cross has about 12,000 staff members worldwide, about 800 of them

working in its Geneva _______.

     A. factories                   B. companies                      C. headquarters                   D. buildings

27. The Red Cross on white background was the original protection _______ declared at the 1864 Geneva


      A. poster                       B. billboard                         C. symbol                            D. signal

28. The Red Cross is an international organization that helps people who are suffering from the results of war,

    diseases or _______.

      A. victims                     B. disasters                          C. opportunities                  D. conditions

29. Be careful! The tree is going to fall.

      A. Look out                   B. Look up                          C. Look on                          D. Look after

30. The organization was established in 1950 in the USA.

      A. come around            B. set up                              C. made out                         D. put on


31. The International Red Cross helps people in need without any discrimination based on _______, race, religion,

class or political opinions.

   A. national                    B. nationally                       C. nationality                      D. native

32. The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _______ institution founded in 1863 in Geneva,


   A. human                      B. humanity                        C. humanization                 D. humanitarian

33. In former days, after the battles soldiers on both sides died or were left wounded on the field without any

  _______ attendance and basic care.                             

   A. medicine                   B. medical                             C. medication               D. medically

34. The International Red Cross has about 97 million volunteers whose main _______ is to protect human life and


   A. mission                     B. experience                      C. organization                   D. rule

35. The International Red Cross helps to ensure respect for the human being, and to prevent and relieve human


   A. protection                 B. enjoyment                       C. wealthy                           D. sufferings

36. An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League of Red Cross

    Societies in 1991.                                                    

   A. started                      B. helped                             C. treated                            D. dedicated

37. In times of war, the Red Cross is dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians, and

    prisoners of war.         

   A. mounted                   B. excited                            C. devoted                          D. interested

38. _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of them die.

   A. Disaster                    B. Famine                           C. Poverty                           D. Flood.

39. Within their home country, National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies assume the duties and

    responsibilities of a national relief society.                

   A. take on                      B. get off                         C. go about                          D. put in

40. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt.

   A. put on                       B. went off                          C. got out                            D. kept up

41. She sustained severe head _______ after being thrown from her horse.

   A. injure                        B. injured                            C. injuries                           D. injurious

42. According to World Bank figures, 41 per cent of Brazilians live in absolute _______.

   A. poor                          B. poorer                             C. poorly                             D. poverty

43. Up until the middle of the 19th century, there were no _______ and well established army nursing systems for


   A. organize                   B. organized                        C. organizational                 D. organizers

44. The AIDS _______ continues to spread around the world. Up to 4,000 people are infected with the HIV virus

    every single day.                                                     

   A. treatment                  B. epidemic                         C. tsunami                           D. damage

45. During World War II, the Red Cross organized relief assistance for _______ and wounded soldiers and

    administered the exchange of messages regarding prisoners and missing persons.

   A. civilians                    B. governments                   C. authorities                       D. members

46. A _______ is a very large wave, often caused by an earthquake that flows onto the land and destroys things.                                        A. famine                            B. catastrophe                     C. tsunami   D. flood

47. By the end of World War II, 179 _______ of the Red Cross had conducted 12,750 visits to POW (prisoner of

    war) camps in 41 countries.

   A. conferences              B. symbols                          C. missions                         D. delegates

48. We oppose this war, as we would do any other war which created an environmental catastrophe.

   A. pollution                   B. disaster                           C. convention                      D. epidemic

49. The first relief assistance mission organized by the League was an aid mission for the _______ of a famine and

    subsequent typhus epidemic in Poland.

   A. leaders                      B. authorities                       C. victims                            D. organizers

50. The 1923 earthquake in Japan killed about 200,000 people and left countless wounded and homeless.

   A. poor                          B. imprisoned                     C. suffered                          D. injured


51. In 2004 more than 40 national societies have worked with more than 22,000 _______ to bring relief to the

    countless victims of the earthquake.

   A. actions                      B. volunteers                       C. founders                         D. nations

52. How are you _______ on with your work? - It is OK.

   A. calling                      B. getting                            C. laying                             D. looking

53. All payments to the ICRC are _______ and are received as donations.

   A. volunteer                  B. voluntary                        C. voluntarily                      D. voluntariness

54. The Red Cross organizes and leads relief assistance missions after ______, such as natural disasters, man-

    made disasters, and epidemics.

   A. emergent                  B. emergencies                   C. emergently                     D. emergence

55. One of the tasks of the Red Cross is also to support local _____ care projects.

   A. health                       B. healthy                            C. healthful                         D. healthily

56. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent _______ occurs once every four years.

   A. Globe                       B. Society                           C. Conference                     D. Nations

57.The mission of the Red Cross is also to supervise the _______ of prisoners of war.

   A. education                  B. encouragement               C. treatment                        D. runaway

58. The total number of national Red Cross societies from all over the world has mounted to 186.

   A. protected                  B. devoted                          C. increased                        D. aimed

59. Henri Davison, president of the American Red Cross war Committee proposed forming a federation of these

    National Societies.                                                  

   A. took                          B. dedicated                        C. carried                            D. suggested

60. Fifty per cent of road accidents results in head injuries.

   A. examines                  B. heals                               C. causes                             D. treats

61. Jean Henri Dunant was appalled by the almost complete lack of care for wounded soldiers.

   A. dedicated                 B. shocked                          C. interested                        D. excited

62. The mission statement of the International Movement as formulated in the "Strategy 2010" document of the

    Federation is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity.

   A. weak and unprotected B. wealthy and famous       C. poor and disabled           D. deaf and mute

63. The authority _______ down that building to build a supermarket.

   A. knocked                    B. came                               C. went                                D. fell

64. In some most Asian countries women are undervalued and they never have the same ___ as men.

   A. formality                  B. basis                               C. limit                                D. status

65. What does "www" ________ for? Is it short for “world wide web?”

   A. sit                             B. stand                               C. lie                                   D. point

66. Not all women can do two jobs well at the same time: rearing children and working at office.

   A. educating                  B. taking care of                 C. homemaking               D. giving a birth

67. There have been significant changes in women's lives since the women's liberation movement.

   A. controlled                 B. economic                        C. important                        D. natural

68. Childbearing is the women's most wonderful role.

   A. Giving birth to a baby  B. Having no child              C. Bring up a child              D. Educating a child

69. Most people consider it women's ________ to take care of children and do housework.

   A. limit                          B. relationship                     C. responsibility                  D. respect

70. Mrs. Pike is a feminist, who ________ that women should be offered the same job opportunities as men.

      A. varies                        B. advocates                        C. leads                               D. votes

71. It is against the law to _______ on the basis of sex, age, marital status, or race.

      A. suit                           B. discriminate                    C. believe                            D. gain

72. Women's status ______ in different countries and it depends on the cultural beliefs.

      A. varies                        B. employs                          C. fixes                                D. establishes

73. Women's contribution to our society has been ______ better these days.

      A. differently                B. naturally                         C. intellectually               D. significantly

74. Many of young people between the ages of 16 and 18 who are neither in education nor ________ are in danger

of wasting their lives.

      A. power                       B. ability                             C. nature                             D. employment

75. ASEAN helps to ____ regional cooperation in Southeast Asia in the spirit of equality and partnership

   A. invest                        B. promote                          C. admit                              D. invest

76. Rice is the _______ exported product of Vietnam.

   A. main                         B. free                                 C. average                           D. rural

77. Southeast Asia is a region of diverse cultures.

   A. same                         B. adopted                          C. various                            D. respected

78. ASEAN also works for the _______ of peace and stability in the region.

   A. promote                    B. promotion                       C. promotional                    D. promoter

79. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, commonly referred to as ASEAN, is a geo-political and _______


   A. economy                   B. economic                        C. economics                        D. economical

80. The motivations for the birth of ASEAN were the desire for a _______ environment.

   A. stable                        B. stability                           C. stably                              D. stabilize

81. ASEAN was founded on 8 August, 1967 with five ________: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and

  the Philippines.              

   A. members                   B. competitors                     C. leaders                            D. statesmen

82. ASEAN is an organization on the Southeast Asian region that aims to _______ economic growth, social

   progress, and cultural development.                            

   A. account                     B. include                            C. accelerate                       D. respect

83. The aims of the Association of Southeast Asia include the evolvement of economic growth, social progress,

   cultural development among its members, and the promotion of regional peace.

   A. goals                         B. organizations                  C. missions                         D. plans

84. ASEAN has emphasized cooperation in the "three pillars" of security, socio cultural and economic _______ in

   the region.                    

   A. organization             B. production                      C. integration                      D. establishment

85. The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) is an agreement by the member nations of ASEAN concerning local

   manufacturing in all ASEAN countries.

   A. progressing               B. producing                       C. combining                      D. aiming

86. ASEAN has planned equitable economic development and reduced poverty and _______ disparities in year


   A. socio-politic                B. socio-cultural               C. socio-linguistic               D. socio-economic

87. ASEAN's aims include the acceleration of economic growth, _______ progress, cultural, development among

   its members, and the promotion of regional peace.

   A. society                      B. social                              C. socially                           D. socialize

88. A combined gross domestic _______ of the member countries of ASEAN has grown at an average rate of

   around 6% per year.

   A. produce                    B. productivity                    C. production                      D. product

89. One of ASEAN's objectives is to help people think about peace and _______ and do something about it.                                        A. origin                              B. justice                             C. statistics  D. record

90. There are plenty of industrial _______ established in the area, which also makes the government worried about


   A. series                        B. goods                              C. enterprises                      D. relationships

91. Free _____ area is a designated group of countries that have agreed to eliminate tariffs, quotas, and preferences

   on most goods among them.                                                                                    

   A. trade                         B. cultural                           C. stable                              D. adopted

92. The ASEAN Investment Area aims to enhance the competitiveness of the region for attracting direct

   investment which flows into and within ASEAN.

   A. produce                    B. combine                          C. found                              D. improve

93. ASEAN has _______ a community of Southeast' Asian nations at peace with one another and at peace with the


   A. joined                       B. estimated                        C. established                      D. solved

94. Throughout the 1970s, ASEAN embarked on a program of economic _______.

   A. cooperate                  B. cooperation                     C. cooperative                 D. cooperatively

95. 2007 was the 40th anniversary of the _______ of ASEAN.

   A. found                        B. founder                           C. foundation                      D. founding

96. Vietnam asked for _______ to ASEAN in 1995.

   A. admit                        B. admission                       C. admissive                       D. admissible

97. ASEAN economic cooperation _______ many areas, such as agriculture, industry, services, transportations,

   and tourism.                                                             

   A. creates                      B. contains                          C. consists                           D. covers

98. ASEAN bodies in addressing global and regional concerns such as food security, _______ and disaster


   A. realization                B. energy                             C. plan                                 D. diversity

99. The 8th ASEAN Science and Technology Week is now being ____ in Manila from 1 to 11 July 2008.

   A. held                          B. joined                             C. related                            D. combined

100. The ASEAN Science and Technology Week aims to promote science and technology _______ in the region.                                 A. tourism                           B. solution                           C. forestry   D. development



Exercise 5:


1. B

2. D

3. D

4. D

5. C

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. D

10. B

11. A

12. C

13. D

14. B

15. A

16. A

17. B

18. B

19. D

20. B

21. D

22. C

23. A

24. C

25. C

26. C

27. C

28. B

29. A

30. B

31. C

32. D

33. B

34. A

35. D

36. A

37. C

38. B

39. A

40. B

41. C

42. D

43. C

44. B

45. A

46. C

47. D

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